Formerly religious, now atheist after reading Ayn Rand (though I was suspicious before that!). Still take an interest in things Jungian, mythological though. The thing about Rand and Objectivism is that there is a certain respect for religion as an early form of philosophy. And there is a shared idea of reverence, the object of worship has changed from God/Supernatural to Man (as opposed to men)/reality. Christianity was appluaded for the notion of individual salvation. Anthem was a conscious choice to make the comparison of a religious hymn to the human spirit , her view of art is "not man as he is, but what he might or could be." Not man as a collection of chemicals, but man as a creator. Not man as a statistical average, but man as potential creator. So there is an idea of spirituality there, just one that's geared towards life on Earth as opposed to an afterlife. That's how I respond to myth, fable, Harry Potter...not as literal gods and dragons, but metaphors for the human spirit: sure, Perseus didn't REALLY slay the Kraken, but it FELT like he did. The inspiration of Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker, Hermes, etc. is in the overcoming of obstacles and saying that achievement is possible.