mj1 wrote:
Hello, I'm new here and I'm almost 27 years old. I'm not sure if I have Aspergers or not, but it's extremely important that I find out.
I've been trying to read the symptoms on various websites and I'm not finding that very helpful. I do have many of the symptoms though. Then I came across a website that lists about 36 characteristics of Aspergers and I have them all except one. Would that be a good indication that I have Aspergers or could a person have all those characteristics and still be "normal"?
dont worry, nobody has
all the symptoms. you probably do have AS, its just our aspie nature that we want our symptoms to fit the diagnostic criteria completely and fully with no room for doubt.
besides, only a true aspie would count the number of items in the list
yes, theres 36, i counted them too, i even double checked
actually it can be difficult to judge flat affect by onesself. have you ever had the experience of someone taking a photo of you when you were happy and thought you were smiling, but when you see it you look expressionless or blank or even miserable? or do people ever tell you to cheer up when you weren't actually unhappy and were just sitting there quite contented?