When I went looking for an apartment here in Cheyenne, I started a week before I moved, thinking no one would be willing to set something up over the phone any earlier. Well anyways, I was somewhat right on this as most of the places I called had a ton of paper work to go through and it would have been better for me to stop in person to deal with all of it.
But I was able to find the place I have now, and being the information vegetable I am, I now want out of this place ASAP.
I've done some snooping around the last place and here at the things I found...
- The carpet in the place was never vacuumed and was crawling with crap. I bought a vac and cleaned it as best as possible.
- The door to the place was kicked open at one point and the framing and the door was patched up using sheet metal
- The bathroom must have been an abandoned project - The floor is cement, but something must have been planned as half of it is covered with some kind of primer.
- The electrical system is substandard, and IMO a major fire hazard. I don't know where the breaker panels are and the wiring is a mix of 14 gauge old and new style romex, BX (which is known to be a fire hazard, and ancient K & T.
- In the basement (where my apartment is), there is one light fixture hanging down by the wires itself
- I pulled out my multimeter and found that the neutral in the house is bad/floating - there is a 55 volt potential between neutral and earth ground when there should be zero, and sometimes it will be fine.
- None of the outlets are of the three prong type which means no grounding.
- There are two light switches that don't work.
but the thing that scares me the most...
- The house has an old GE forced air furnace that must be at least 50 years old. My landlord said that it didn't work and he didn't use it, but when I put my ear next to it, I can hear gas hissing out of the burner jets which are wide open, which then vents out of the chimney. Any type of electrical discharge near the house (i.e. lightning) and theres a big potential for a large BOOM!! even worse, if there some kind of blockage to the chimney, the gas will back up into my apartment.
You'd think my landlord would be receptive to all this, but for the past few days he's been in a drunken stupor and won't answer the door. He has yet to deliver some kind of lease for me to sign and I'm not gonna pay him a penny until we sign something.
So... I think I'll deal with all the paper work and move someplace else ASAP before this place kills me.
I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...