1)...The Question?
2)...Statements by Ghosthunter!
Ghosthunter Appologizes wrote:
Please forgive my showing weakness. I have
been alot of places emotionally, and thus I am
seldom overwhelmed. I don't know how much
of a totem pole I have become on WrongPlanet,
and that isn't the point of being here on
I am like those submarines in WWII, I may
take a pounding but will resurface a little more
smarter from being beached or sunk for a while.
I also appologize for the crash memo. It happens
and I don't like harbouring bad will in anydirection.
I know you folks on WrongPlanet and myself included
have this weakness here and there, and by showing
it I don't mean to have you folks harbour bad will
my direction.
I am a person of instinct, I follow it and can occassionally
get surprised, or caught off guard.
For those who I have made enemies here on the
board with, I sincerely appologize, I communicate
the way I do out of neccessity and it saddens me
that we can't make genuine peace.
For those who see me as strength? I appologize,
I do show weakness. I try to listen and communicate
with you folks and well....I thankyou for your concerns.
I can only hope for the best in all of us!
Boston and it's myth wrote:
I catch the Greyhound today. The rooms here
are expensive, nor would I live here. It is toooo
crowdddedddd! I, who lived in S.F wouldn't thought
I would say that. It is true, for visiting you folks
I have come to see the value of smaller communities.
upon journey's end wrote:
I have been staying in the "The Beantown
& Irish embassy hostel". It is a hostel that
is near North Station. They charged $30 per
night and much room to manuever around.
They are uniquely located in the Friend street area.
They are 2 stops on the orange line to Borders.
State stop, then middle stop>?, Otherwise
I wouldn't have stayed 1 night here.
The shops are abundant. The building
new and old look the same, thus they stick
to colonial architecture.
energies versus people wrote:
The energies are ghostly and eeriely ancient
here like spirits who dwell within the framework
of men and women living, and thus override the
lack of eyecontact and socialness neccessary for
normal and autistic folk. If I were a ghost here
I wouldn't be alone one-single-bit.
If I were a living person here, I would be alone
and no living energies to feed upon! Hmmmm?
A rare combination!
my next destination wrote:
I am planning, if BeeBee permits to adquire a job
in Minnesota and brave it's winter for my betterment.
There may be a autistic-aide job or not there, but
either way, it will work itself out.
why BeeBee's? wrote:
I have no family, and a hostel bed is just a hostel
bed. I have no home nor family to call my own,
and this is why I left San Francisco.
I am alone otherwise. With a job, a family to go
to and a sense of kindership, that is alot for me.
School, job, internet, are I-Physical neccesities for
me, but cannot make up for a lack of a family!
Thanks BeeBee for showing me how a family
can truly be!
internet unaccessible wrote:
I will not be able to access internet for a while,
and since Vetivert is LUNGING for the #1 crown,
I grant her this. It is not the quantity of posts,
but the quality within each and every post.
So, my Queen of Drama, The #1 crown is yours,
From.......King of Drama, Ghosthunter!
3)...The Question Repeated!