Although many Aspies are very logical, there are others who aren't. I think we do vary a lot.
What I have noticed though, and it crops up in a lot of posts here is that generally Aspies don't like change and sometimes find it hard to cope with. Plus of course we have the usual stress of having to live in the world of NTs, how to behave with them, how to understand them...I think that can up the anxiety level a few stages by itself.
That email thing you describe, the 'what if', that sounds very logical really and Aspie in that you have thought through all the possibilities of what might happen. I would do exactly the same
The thing is, I do recognize that my anxieties are extreme and irrational, so when I stop to reason things out I can calm myself down and think more clearly.
It is great that you have found a way to do this. Maybe your Aspie logic is coming to your aid.
I too find the social stuff hard, and I'm not good at it. Some days are better than others.
I hope you find WP helpful, myczarina. It has certainly helped me a lot being here, to know that others experience the same difficulties, and find a way around them.
I like your avatar btw.