Which bits of the package did/didn't you get?

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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02 Oct 2007, 5:31 pm

We all know it's a spectrum issue and you get some and don't get others...

I got:
Gaze Aversion
Science/Maths Geek 101
Engineering hobbies
Better with cats than people (don't think that counts but my workmates find it more freakish than the rest of them)
High pain threshold (name that bruise!)
Stimming (I bounce a knee up and down or twitch a foot)
Equinus gait
Meltdown if confronted with a logical incongruity enforced by higher authority

I didn't get
Lack of imagination
Meltdown from overstim
Insane parents who think it can be controlled with diets :-)


http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y228/c ... 966/43.jpg

This is a link to a picture of my lighting rig in action


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02 Oct 2007, 6:00 pm

OK, just off the top of my head, and using your list:

Gaze Aversion
Science Geek 101
Engineering hobbies
High pain threshold (name that bruise!)
High tolerance to cold
low tolerance to sound
great episodic memory
Stimming (I bounce a knee up and down or twitch a foot or rock, etc...)
Meltdown if confronted with a logical incongruity enforced by higher authority
Meltdown from overstim (Basically if some "higher authority" is involved)
observing small details, numbers, remembering them and analyzing. People don't seem to get that the minor details are what also make up the bigger picture.
Pulling knowledge out of thin air or observations.
good at problem solving and often solving my own issues. In return if I meet someone who has those same issues, I know how to identify it and help them without getting paid for it.
clumsy at times
stutter sometimes
difficulties making new friends
Poor social abilities
repetitive actions and rituals
I sometimes speak too loud or fast
echoing words sometimes
Good vocabulary
Good general knowledge
Special interests
Mild prosopagnosia (Inability to recognize certain people's faces out of their natural environment)
Social awkwardness
Intense interests
Lack of understanding of some sarcasm
Slow at understanding some jokes
"flat" voice sometimes
Social awkwardness
Meltdowns when around lots of people
Dislike of certain textures of food
Excellent long term memory
Dislike of being touched

I didn't get
Hand flapping
prodigious musical talent
Learning disability
Lack of imagination
Insane parents who think it can be controlled with diets
Better with cats than people (don't think that counts but my workmates find it more freakish than the rest of them)
Collections (Unless you count old products for possible future use)
Equinus gait
fantastic quick memory with great retention.

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02 Oct 2007, 6:10 pm

I got-

taking some things literally (but often will catch it and re-think about it)

One parent that doesn't believe in doctors, another that wanted to diagnose me as schizo

observing small details, numbers, remembering them and analyzing. People don't seem to get that the minor details are what also make up the bigger picture.

Pulling knowledge out of thin air or observations.

Musical abilities. I can hear music in my head and repeat it using an instrument

annoyed by everyday noises. Sometimes I lash out, other times I just hold it in

good at problem solving and often solving my own issues. In return if I meet someone who has those same issues, I know how to identify it and help them without getting paid for it.

I can cut my own hair.

I don't have to have a big wardrobe to feel complete.

The eye contact is on and off.

Some people I can instantly talk to while others I avoid or go into breif talking mode if asked questions.

Do rock back and forth occasionally, rub palms together when talking to some people, bounce leg up and down

clumsy at times

when someone has a birthday party, I have never joined in with the happy birthday song

stutter sometimes

difficulties making new friends

Can't read fiction. If I do, it's all forgotten. Same with movies

What I didn't get-

Hand flapping as a child

Parents that thought I would change over diet

My imagination is strange. I can create stories, write poems and music however I find it hard to put pictures in my head that I've never seen but at times if I see something and I close my eyes, the picture is imprinted.


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02 Oct 2007, 6:33 pm

What I got:

Poor social abilities
annoyance by everyday sounds
logical thought
finding patterns everywhere
obsessive interest in a particular topic
good memory
repetitive actions and rituals
clumsiness (a lot, i can trip with my own feet)
i sometimes speak too loud or fast
big vocabulary (at least in spanish, my mother-tongue)
science geek (Study physics)
echoing words sometimes

what i didn't got

lack of creativity
musical talent

in an odd way, i don't usually interpret some stuff literally when it comes to sarcasm, but it's hard for me to tell wether someone is kiddinf and i sometimes tend to interpret figurative speech literally (e.g. "I've told you a thousand times not to do that" "No, you haven't told me more than six times")


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02 Oct 2007, 6:59 pm

what i got:

poor social abilities and the inability to make small talk.
sound sensitivity
light sensitivity
smell sensitivity
selective memory
lots of stims
Musical ability in voice
a deep love for animals
an obsession with rocks, fossils and seeds
touch sensitivity
an ability to mimic sounds blah blah blah
A practicum at the ministry of silly walks
literal meanings of words and phrases
I didnt get:

mathematic skills
organization skills
logical skills of a large amount


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02 Oct 2007, 7:24 pm

I got:

Good vocabulary
Good general knowledge
Special interests
Mild prosopagnosia (Inability to recognize certain people's faces out of their natural environment)
Social awkwardness

I didn't get:

Literal thinking (I know idioms and figures of speech. I couldn't have attained a Master's in English without knowing these things.)

A general "glass half empty" view of life. I see the glass as generally at least half full, sometimes overflowing.

Special skills in math or computers. My grades were only average in math, probably more due to anxiety than to lack of understanding. As far as computers go, I consider myself a typist only. I don't have any special "computer geek" skills.


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02 Oct 2007, 7:42 pm

What I got:
Big-time social phobia
avoiding eye contact
mumbling or stuttering or other voice oddities
overstimulation leads to lower functionality
likes using big words
interest in mechanical or electronic things
interest in science
collecting things
hard to get rid of old things (pack-rat)
likes developing systems for everything
oversensitivity to sound
Hard to get comfortable (chairs & beds & shoes)
relates to older folks better than those my age
relates to online folk better than rl
Highly values alone time, ability to live alone or by my own rules.

What I didn't get:
Math ability
Science ability (which usually depends on math ability)
Complete mastery of knowledge on a subject (there's always people who know a lot more than me)
Ability to talk to people to no end about my obsessions, or explaining things in general
High tolerance of cold (brrrr!)
sensitivity of smell
hand flapping
no desire to have a social life
lack of imagination
equinus gait

"I reject your reality, and substitute my own" -Adam Savage

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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02 Oct 2007, 8:15 pm

I got:
Gaze Aversion
Science/Maths/English Geek 101
Science hobbies (particularly in psychology)
Prefer to be alone or with only 1 well known person
Touch/light/sound sensitivity
High pain threshold (name that bruise!)
Self injurious behaviors
Stimming (tapping fingers, feet, knees)
Lack of social understanding
Hyper-focused attention to particular topics
Meltdown if confronted with a logical incongruity enforced by higher authority
Meltdowns from over-stimulation
Insane parents who blame habit or me for my disability

I didn't get:
Equinus gait
Lack of imagination

"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream."

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The ultimate storm is eternally on it's

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02 Oct 2007, 10:03 pm

What I got..

Intense interests
Clumsiness (always walking into things)
Lack of understanding of sarcasm (always taking things literally)
Not understanding jokes
"flat" voice
Social awkwardness
Meltdowns when around lots of people
Dislike of certain textures of food
Noticing small details of things instead of the whole "picture"
Excellent long term memory
Dislike of being touched

What I did not get...

Learning disability
sensitivity to bright light
social phobia

I = Vegan!
Animals = Friends.


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03 Oct 2007, 4:20 am

See "autistic disorder" in the DSM-IV-TR.

I got it all except mental retardation; I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing.


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03 Oct 2007, 7:58 am

I have/have had
Prosopagnosia (If someone changes their clothes, hair style, or shaves, I probably won't recognize them)
Sleep difficulty
Stimming (usually controlled, such as leg bouncing, sometimes rocking)
Sensitivity to loud noise
Noticing and remembering details
High IQ
Knowledge of science/math/computers (I'd rather watch the Discovery Channel than sitcoms)
Interest in forms of transportation (trains, planes, ships, etc.)
Sometimes takings literally (I can adapt to many things)
Some delays in speech/language (though no long term impairment)
Difficulty with eye contact
Sometimes clumsy
Pack-rat (I've got lots of "priceless junk")
Few friends/loneliness
"Silent" echolalia (I get quotes stuck in my head and it drives me nuts, but I never speak them out loud)
Obsession with time
Desire for routines
Some form of synesthesia, (I tend to "visualize" things like music)
Lack of empathy
No desire for "love" or romance
Minimal creativity (I can fashion stuff from other work, but getting started is the hard part)

On the other hand:
I do not have sensory meltdowns or overload (though I don't like being touched unexpectedly)
I get along with my parents and they generally understand my quirks
I am tolerant to change, and in some cases desire it

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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03 Oct 2007, 9:06 am

comparatively minor:

bias toward gaze avoidance
emotional dysregulation
lowered immune response
repetitive thought processes
social discomfort
*mild* mindblindness
spotty motor clumsiness
sensory issues, contingent on mood and probably blood sugar levels
bias towards touch avoidance
minor meltdowns - far more prone to shutdowns and avoidance
internal echolalia and self-narration

comparatively, ahem, less minor:

compulsive grammar/pronunciation cop
short-term obsessive interests (a preoccupation *usually* runs about three months)
poor executive functions
strong logical, analytical, and systemizing biases
common traits in father's family

relatively not present in my spectrum, all things considered:

flat affect
difficulty with non-literal language
face recognition
gross sensory oversensitivity
social panic
easy meltdowns
dietary pickiness
toe walking
ritualized behaviors


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04 Oct 2007, 5:17 am

I got:

Inability to fathom out social conventions
Difficulty in relating to other people
Motor clumsiness (in hands & upper body only)
Over-sensitivity to temperature
Irritation with noise everywhere
Addiction to collecting
Addiction to taking exams
Other weird interests
High IQ
Good at maths
Good at writing
Preference for fantasy world instead of real life
Love of music & dancing
Get on better with animals than people
Inability to show empathy with others (doesn't mean I don't feel it, just can't express it)
Executive dysfunction
Inability to do some "everyday" tasks like making tea, styling hair or sewing
Inability to throw anything out
Hopelessly bad timekeeping
Unwillingness to conform
Hatred of ridiculous rules & regulations thought up by morons
Being "the only one in step"
Avoidance of eye contact
Lack of awareness of appearance issues (how come people actually notice if you wear the same clothes 2 days in a row???)
Dislike of trivial small talk
Brain like an encyclopedia about things that interest me
Good attention to detail
Inability to think in 3D
Excellent memory for facts but absent-minded about practicalities

I didn't get:
Engineering or computing ability
Problems with understanding metaphors (I am the opposite & love coming up with new ones!)
Lack of imagination
Dislike of certain textures of food
Flat voice
Repetitive actions and rituals (now, although I had a few as a child)
Dislike of fiction, movies etc

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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04 Oct 2007, 7:45 am

I dont understand the title of your thread.
It comes in bags where i live.