Explaining Asperger's to people [REPLY]

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18 Aug 2004, 3:04 pm

Most of the time, people quickly notice that there is something weird with me. I remember one thing when I was in the nineth grade. I was "the new student" as I had just moved in that town and about two weeks after my arrival and the beginning of the schoolyear, we had been given an assignment in which we had to say how the other students would describe us. The words I heard when I asked my classmates how they would describe me were : "weird", "strange", "smart", "walking encyclopedia", "generous" and "silent".

I have never had to explain that I had Asperger's Syndrome to people in real life, as I was diagnosed too recently, but maybe I will have to during this year. I do not know how they would react ; I guess it depends on the person.

I told three e-pals (NT but two are gifted), two said "OK" and that it did not seem that strange, and the other said she was "sorry", but then I told her about the good sides (good memory, qualities, thinking differently) and she said : "It just makes you more interesting, in fact.".

Explaining Asperger's to my family is different. I have not told my parents, but I told my brother (because he saw the site) and he just laughed and said that I am paranoid.


Nicolas (spark).


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03 Oct 2007, 7:41 pm

I don't want to explain because I think it indicates I expect something from other people but sometimes I actually wish I was wearing a pin.


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03 Oct 2007, 8:01 pm

sparkplugloy wrote:
Most of the time, people quickly notice that there is something weird with me. I remember one thing when I was in the nineth grade. I was "the new student" as I had just moved in that town and about two weeks after my arrival and the beginning of the schoolyear, we had been given an assignment in which we had to say how the other students would describe us. The words I heard when I asked my classmates how they would describe me were : "weird", "strange", "smart", "walking encyclopedia", "generous" and "silent".

People have said the same about me. But HEY, that is actually nice! A LOT of people are illogical, vain, dumb, ignorant, stingy, and noisy.

As for being paranoid, AS is only a name, and actually explains things. Paranoid people often believe they are ALONE!

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03 Oct 2007, 8:44 pm

sparkplugloy wrote:
Most of the time, people quickly notice that there is something weird with me. I remember one thing when I was in the nineth grade. I was "the new student" as I had just moved in that town and about two weeks after my arrival and the beginning of the schoolyear, we had been given an assignment in which we had to say how the other students would describe us. The words I heard when I asked my classmates how they would describe me were : "weird", "strange", "smart", "walking encyclopedia", "generous" and "silent".

I have never had to explain that I had Asperger's Syndrome to people in real life, as I was diagnosed too recently, but maybe I will have to during this year. I do not know how they would react ; I guess it depends on the person.

I told three e-pals (NT but two are gifted), two said "OK" and that it did not seem that strange, and the other said she was "sorry", but then I told her about the good sides (good memory, qualities, thinking differently) and she said : "It just makes you more interesting, in fact.".

Explaining Asperger's to my family is different. I have not told my parents, but I told my brother (because he saw the site) and he just laughed and said that I am paranoid.


I have told someone I have aspergers over the internet and they said "oh ok" lol...probably had no idea what it was though.
I had to do something similar to what you described, meaning getting people to write what they think of me for a class assignment (this is when I was at a different course to my current one). People wrote "Quiet" "Brainy" "Shy" "Kind" "factual" and "different".

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03 Oct 2007, 9:16 pm

"weird", "strange", "smart", "walking encyclopedia", "generous" and "silent".
"Shy" "different" "Brainy" "factual" "Kind" "Quiet"

GEE, one could argue it is the same thing! :lol:


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03 Oct 2007, 11:58 pm

I tried explaining to a few people but I learned that no one really wants to hear about Asperger's unless:

a) they ask
b) they have it too
c) they have a loved one with it

So I gave up trying.

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04 Oct 2007, 2:51 pm

No one's every really asked me. Most times people just laugh and say "You're so weird." That works really well for me.


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04 Oct 2007, 8:40 pm

I explained my diagnosis on another (non -AS related) forum and got 3 replies - all supportive.
I haven't explained it to many people inreal life.

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04 Oct 2007, 8:52 pm

A few friends know while the other's have often called me a freak or weird but they don't know as I don't feel comfortable telling them. I will not tell a boss.