Mw99 wrote:
This time around, I'm bypassing the therapists, the psychologists and the psychiatrists, and going straight to a neuropsychologist who can give me a neuropsychological evaluation to determine whether I suffer from Asperger's Syndrome or some other pervasive developmental disorder.
How much does a neuropsychological evaluation usually cost? How long does it usually take? How many sessions?
I need to know once and for all if I am a true aspie or just an NT with aspie-like traits. (I'm hoping I am an aspie, because I think, act and feel just like an aspie.)
While we are at it, does anyone know if health insurance companies normally cover this type of testing?
I was told a neuropsych eval would cost $130 per hour. My insurance company initially refused to pay for the testing, so I thought I would have to pay out of pocket. Because my income is so low, they agreed to charge me their lowest rate which is $52/hour (still pretty steep for me). My insurance company ended up paying for it after all though, fortunately. It took 2 sessions of 2 hours each, so 4 hours in total. If we'd known originally that the insurance company would pay, the testing probably would have been more extensive, but they were trying to save me money by doing the minimum number of tests that they thought would provide a diagnosis. I got tested for NLD, by the way, not AS, although they called it a differential diagnosis of NLD vs. AS.
I don't think there are definitive tests to look for AS by the way. They can see if you have deficits in visuo-processing, spatial processing, executive functioning, visual memory etc., but to make a diagnosis of AS they're going to want to know about behavior and development.