I wonder the milder your AS is, the sooner you get over the traits and the sooner you learn to adapt?
I wonder how severe your AS is, it takes you longer to adapt and get over the traits too?
I wonder if this is why I am doing so good at my young age, I am already flexible and can make new routines without getting upset and I make alternate ones too in case my origional plan doesn't work out so I go to the next routine I had in my head. I started doing this when I was 21 and it went well. In my late teens I stopped lisetning to people because most times when they say soemthing what they are going to do or what we are going to do, it doesn't happen or they don't keep their word like the time my softball coach said what our routines would be every morning when we warm up and in my head I thought "Yeah right, I bet you will change it later on" so i didn't listen to him. I don;t have everything in stone anymore what people say because I don't want to get upset just because it never happens.
Another reason why I think I can't be higher than AS because I am too mild and I learned to cope at such a young age while rest of the adult aspies are still suffereing and they are a lot older than me. It just occured to me is it because I am very mild so I learned to cope with it at a young age and theirs is so bad, they haven't coped with it yet. I used to think they never learned to cope because they didn't know what was wrong with them so they didn't know they had a problem and didn't know they needed to work on things about themselves to be better people and they weren't aware of body language or feelings in the eyes, non verbal cues, etc. I didn't know that stuff until I started reading about AS and autism. I learned oh that me, oh thats not me, oh thats me, I better work on that so I won't have AS anymore. But I have also read undiagnosed aspies have learned to cope before they knew what was wrong with them so they don't see a need for a diagnoses so it makes me wonder mmm I wonder the milder ur AS is, the younger age you learn to cope and get over the traits such as infelxibility to change and routines and how to get around it to prevent from having anxiety when your routine is disturbed and the worse ur AS is, the later age you get over your traits and learn to cope.