I have lots of tendencies, which is probably why I sooo get my AS bf. However, one thing I can’t deny, which is the defining factor, is I have the ability to read people, situations, think of more than one way to do something, am completely sociable (although I agree it’s exhausting), have strong instinct and am not, um, naive. Tendencies, oh yes, noises annoy me, sometimes I think so hard I am making faces, no tolerance for boring chit chat (get to the point already), hate things out of place and so on, but can’t stop being NT. I am tolerant beyond belief which means I am not a bully or not rude to people who get stuck on a topic I have no interest in, but I have the graces to deal.
I still wonder if AS is autism. Some people are left brained or right brained, what about front brained and back brained )not knowing what would be AS or NT)? I think AS is more common than statistics show, and having seen autistics up close and AS up close, I just think it’s a variation on NT, not really autistic. Don’t get me wrong, high functioning autism is what it is, but I think AS is just using the opposite side of your brain.
It can’t hurt to get an evaluation, but if you do things in an NT way, it’s just quirks. Which all smart people have