jjstar wrote:
These became *obsessions* because they were drilled into your little heads by mass-media hypnosis. Via TV. They drummed it into your brains. They made you feel bad if you didn't follow the trend. They sold you love in the guise of plastic and batteries. They filled the empty spaces with *fun and popularity* - glitz and entertainment. Entrainment is more like it.
Umm, to be honest, for most of us, our obsessions are just that, and are, by no way, the "norm" at the time. When has it ever been the "norm" for a 6 year old girl to be obsessed with frogs, down to the various types of frogs and toads, where each lived, what special features they had, their reproductive cycle, and on and on and on. If anything, my topics made me very UNpopular because they tend to be all I talk about or think about.
No "mass media hype" here. I assume you need a TV and to go to a public school where brand names can matter. Sorry to disappoint you but: no TV and I went to a Catholic school so that kind of undoes your "theory" that it is brainwashing.
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream."