I'm just curious if anyone else here gets this way and how they handle it.
Most of the time I probably look and act almost exactly like one with AS would be expected to. I'm distant, intensely focused on things, get very annoyed with distractions... I'm not aware of social nuances unless I make a conscious effort and give it almost undivided attention. I try very hard, but I seem to always be either on the bottom of the social ladder, or barely tolerated at all. Every now and then though, I snap into focus almost like what it must be for an NT. Conversations flow better, I get along better with people and I seem a lot more aware of what they are thinking or wanting. It doesn't happen very often, or for very long (maybe once or twice a month, for only a few hours at best)... but the results are great, especially if I get lucky and it corresponds to something important. Once it helped me through a first date that I probably would have screwed up otherwise, and I've been with the girl ever since. Another time it landed me an important DJ gig in LA. But since I can't control when or how it happens, it's just luck of the draw.
When it happens... if anything I seem to suddenly have MORE ability to read people than those around me. When I get like this people get freaked out about how well I figure them out, especially coming from me, the socially dysfunctional guy. It's like straining under a lot of weight most of the time, and being suddenly freed of it for a few moments. I see exactly what I need to do in order to move forward in a conversation, I anticipate what people will say long before they say it and I suddenly know exactly how far I can push people.
But then it kinda fades away and I lose it again. Then it's back to the usual, trying to categorize every freakin' movement or tone in order to figure out how to socialize. It disappears in almost the same manner as a dream that slips from memory when you wake up. You try to hold on to it, but it fades anyway.
Does this happen to anyone else?