angelgirl1224 wrote:
Side effects? what side effects.?
Maybe i just don't understand what you mean.
I dont think As has influenced my personality or living with it, i am Me!! !! !! And i have my own personality. i dont need my As to control my personality
I think she is talking about what medically is referred to as 'co-morbids', ie. other psychological problems you have caused by your aspergers which are not your aspergers. Examples could be OCD, anxiety, depression, etc. Or just any other issues you have which aren't that serious but nevertheless are problems that have built up over time due to the strain of living with aspergers. Examples could be low mood, insecurity/low self esteem, reluctance to try again to make friends/find a relationship when your previous attempts have been unsuccesful.
Being troubled by these things doesn't to me imply that you are letting AS control you or aren't your own person.