Sapphix wrote:
I don't know what is and isn't possible according to text book definition, but I can certainly relate to that. And I don't think I intentionally exacerbate arguments. I am just quick to sense the underlying emotion and I tend to be outspoken about what I sense, regardless of the facade of words being used.
I think I understand what you mean about a 'facade', as I am also left with the impression that I have shot straight to what I sense to be the underlying emotion of the other person in such circumstances.
Sometimes this seems to create a 'mountain out of a molehill'. And yet despite this, I feel that I am considerably *more* perceptive in identifying emotions and getting right to the point than most other people.
I believe this is because of my aforementioned emotional over-sensitivity (of my own emotions), which has enabled me to analyse and interpret other people's emotional states and to envisage how they are likely to be thinking and feeling (I believe I would actually make a very good psychotherapist).
Which is where my confusion arises. Because I was under the impression that Aspies were unable to read emotional signs, poor at identifying behaviour, and emotionally insensitive.
Either this is very atypical AS behaviour, or perhaps it could mean I don't really have AS at all. I suppose it could also be more of an intellectual/analytical band-aid and/or coping mechanism that I developed as a child, particularly given my frequent over-analysis of various situations.
Either way, this confusion is why I wanted to know how common such behaviours were amongst others with AS.