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15 Oct 2007, 7:31 am

I know this is an odd and rather scary question, but have the psychiatrists ever come to your house to "get" you? It is my worst fear as a person with AS, I know someone it happened to, she tried to explain to someone that she did not feel great emotanaly and the next day she was in the hospital. I know most of you will think I'm paranoid, but I just don't trust people anymore.
It scares me because these people really beleive they are "acting in your best interests".

Just how often does this crap happen?

Snowy Owl
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15 Oct 2007, 7:46 am

I have a similar fear, to be honest, that I will have a rough day or a meltdown and end up being hospitalized. I fear this because I feel that people do not understand what I deal with or what I go through and feel I cannot effectively cope with reality. I have had idiots ask me if this diagnosis means that I cannot raise my kids anymore. :roll: How ignorant, yes? I doubt that it was just a comment about not doing well that brought them to your friend's home. I feel as you do though...I do not tend to trust anyone either.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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15 Oct 2007, 7:50 am

I can tell you here they do welfare checks. This will come through 911 to the police dept. They arrive and talk with the individual and have us come and speak with the person and transport them to the hospital for the eval. I always try to ask the individual to just come with us play the game and explain to the social worker or ER Psychiatrist what is going on and see from there. I always try to respect the individual and a few times the parties involved really did need help and a few times they did not. Here EMS gets called in with the police department and we all do our best to make the individual comfortable because it is uncomfortable for us too. We also feel it can be an intrusion but would rather talk and get a professional to eval who we have been called for than have to show up to call them on scene and see the saddness and despair left behind after suicide. This mind you is just a Paramedic perspective on these welfare checks in the U.S.

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15 Oct 2007, 7:53 am

The problem is that the way it is frequently handled, such as in this area, causes a lot of people to clam up on their feelings rather than risk having such a thing occur. My biggest problem is that no one bothers to inform the people involved they are dealing with an autistic. They do the wrong eval. and we get hospitalized for "lack of normal effect". Hello!! ! Duh! Or because a meltdown ensues because people are too close, or are interrupting something important, or are causing sensory issues. This is a major problem. No one in the medical community seems to know anything about autism at all.

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15 Oct 2007, 8:15 am

Let it known that you have difficulty in verbal communication to professionals (a piece of paper with 'I'm autistic, not psychotic!' will suffice, unless you're psychotic of course...).

For the most part, you shouldn't be "taken away" if you ain't homicidal/suicidal. If someone ever recommends hospitalization to you during a professional visit, it’s best not to run away, FYI and all that; running won't help.


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15 Oct 2007, 8:33 am

I can't seem to get the videos on here, I've been trying for like 30 Go to youtube and watch it, this is what it can be like in the uk.....specily if you get yourself "known" to these tyrants....

These vids are quite emotive, I'll warn you, they brought tears in my eyes, not only out of sheer sympathy for the woman, but out of fear too.....


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15 Oct 2007, 10:58 am

You'd have to be really mentally ill for them to come to your house and drag you to the hospital.


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15 Oct 2007, 11:05 am

The woman in this film was not, they never even gave her a reason. It all started for her after she saw a doctor for a physical illness, and as we all know doctors these days are rushed, they have no time to examine people or listen, they are governed by the drug lords in the pharmacy companies to reach targets of prescribing meds, usualy psychiatric ones as these can be prescribed for long terms, thus raking in the most cash, which at the end of the day is all people care about these days.


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15 Oct 2007, 11:41 am

According to my psychiatrist, they dont like prescribing pills for the sake of it, as it comes out of their (local health authority?) budget. Similar with hospitalization, referral to specialist (autism) services etc etc - this is an understaffed, under funded state service falling apart at the seams - in general they dont go around looking for trouble - they have enough already and are struggling to keep up. When the mental health services are privatised, thats when this sort of thing will become common.

will watch properly vids later. What i can gather from the first few minutes is the woman was involved in some sort of feud with her neighbours and/or the authorities.

Last edited by psych on 15 Oct 2007, 11:44 am, edited 2 times in total.


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15 Oct 2007, 11:42 am

I've talked to government agencies overseeing my daughter. People are afraid to let them into the house because they might see something that they're required to report, something as small as an outlet cover not being on the outlet. You can't guess what they see that they're supposed to report. They say a lot of the people they deal with refuse to let them in the house. I think that's a wise choice. Vulnerable people who need help and understanding are in danger of the heavy hand of the law instead. But then when they get wind that maybe there's a crisis going on they force their way in with the sheriff, all for the disabled person's "own good."

It's hard for aspies and others to keep track of a household to satisfy NT values. They shouldn't have to live in fear of agencies who get paid to help them.

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15 Oct 2007, 12:05 pm

I agree OregonBecky, you would not knowingly let a crook, theif, con man, or maybe even a....murderer... into your home and I don't class these "people" in any different class, their white coats are simply an exemption from criminal justice. Alot of thse people are also "scientists", and whilst a lot of the "research" is claimed to be done on poor animals, they are just the front for a far more terrifying situation, which is these humans who are being ram raided in their own homes and carted off to hospitals, are in fact the real guinea pigs for all these fancy new pharms that are coming out claiming to be a cure you of your human emotions.


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15 Oct 2007, 1:03 pm

Asperger's can look like post-natal depression.
If you have a baby, smile and talk a lot in hospital
or you might have problems...

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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15 Oct 2007, 1:10 pm

Not really just takes one person to say you are suicidal and willing to sign a petition!


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15 Oct 2007, 1:16 pm

skippy wrote:
Not really just takes one person to say you are suicidal and willing to sign a petition!



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15 Oct 2007, 1:33 pm

Even worse, lots of people who want to be in the hospital aren't admitted. I remember when my cousin got so depressed that she became psychotic and suicidal. She ran through the streets of NYC, nearly getting hit by cars, and finally became clear-headed enough to decide to go to the hospital. But they wouldn't take her because she couldn't prove to them that she was suicidal. She had to go home and then wait until she could get in touch with her doctor and parents and have them help her get admitted, several days later.


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15 Oct 2007, 1:39 pm

EvilKimEvil wrote:
But they wouldn't take her because she couldn't prove to them that she was suicidal. .

That's can you prove your suicidal?!?! that's like telling her to do it!.... Dicks, I suppose that's where the word murderers might be applied.