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Do you look being touched by other people?
Yes 18%  18%  [ 7 ]
No 60%  60%  [ 24 ]
Yes, a lot 5%  5%  [ 2 ]
Definitly not 18%  18%  [ 7 ]
Total votes : 40

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16 Oct 2007, 3:19 pm

I know that some people with AS don't liked to be touched by others, for instance I myself, I only let those I trust an awful lot touch me. I don't even usually hug people in my family unless I'm upset. However I know that other people with AS like to be touched but other people a lot. So I was wondering what people's own experiences are? It's a mark of my trust if I shake someone's hand without wiping it afterwards but I would like to know what other people do in such circumstances.

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16 Oct 2007, 3:29 pm

I have issues with being touched. I never embrace people and never hug them, and since I was a child never kiss someone on the cheeck (I just give a handshake when meeting somebody). I don't even kiss or hug my parents or best friends, they all know I don't like people to come too close to me. Since being diagnosed with AS we know why that is, so it did answer that question. The weird thing is, some of my colleagues who don't know I have AS also never kiss or hug me ; they sometimes pass and give everyone a "good morning kiss" but then when they see me they just shake my hand. As if they somehow notice I am uncomfortable with being touched, as if they somehow feel there is something different about me.

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16 Oct 2007, 3:32 pm

I don't dislike being touched, I just don't know how to react...

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16 Oct 2007, 3:59 pm

I'm not a huge fan of hugging. My partner always says that it feels like I'm trying to get away from him when he's hugging me. I basically hug back now until he lets go regardless of how uncomfortable I am since I know he likes it. I'd much rather hold someone's hand to show affection than hug them.

Non-affection-wise, I hate it when someone I don't know touches me or when I'm in a crowd being jostled around. *shudder*

16 Oct 2007, 4:12 pm

I can't answer the poll because it depends. It's yes and no. I like being touched and I don't like being touched. It depends on my mood.
I prefer light touch because it feels nice and soft but I can't stand hard touch. It feels painful sometimes like someone is hitting me and it also feels like I have weight on me.
I hate being hugged without my permission and I hate people coming up to me and hugging me without asking for it. My family always asks me first before they hug and so does my boyfriend.


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16 Oct 2007, 4:14 pm

touching in general falls right in the same category as any other unwanted contact. i dont like it and find it pretty obtrusive. if its not a serious case (a friend patting the back of my shoulder when he leaves while i am talking to someone else), i can live with it, but probably will shy away from the touch. my family isnt a touchy crowd to begin with.
i was okay with my ex-girlfriend, however... but i wouldnt like her touch anymore now (although we parted ways on dramatic but good terms).

there are few (very few) people that can good-bye-hug me without me bothering. the wife of a friend of mine for example, who is a quiet, rather reclusive person herself.

i have one person i like a lot whose touch i like, but she is the only person in whose company i dont feel alone and also the only person i would really trust.


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16 Oct 2007, 4:14 pm

I was beginning to think I had some kinda phobia, I didn't know that it could be part of AS.
I cant stand being touched, so of coarse I never voluntarily touch others unless absolutely necessary.
Like if somebody puts their hand on my shoulder, it could be a complete stranger or my own mother, I get extremely uncomfortable, so I will like squirm out of it or whine like a little pansy and sometimes get angry or even violent. Eye contact is just as impossible for me, but its easier to avoid eye contact.
As much as it sucks for me, a lot of people would probably consider it a good thing that I cant touch others . . .


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16 Oct 2007, 4:32 pm

I never really got used to it until a couple of years ago. This isn't a touchy-feely family, so even a hug felt really strange. However, I'm now used to it, even if it does still seem a bit unnatural to me.


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16 Oct 2007, 4:36 pm

I get very irritated when others touch me, but I don't mind touching others.

Tufted Titmouse
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16 Oct 2007, 4:37 pm

I'm not really sure how to react most of the time. My hugs tend to be a little stiff too. Not the close, clingy hugs that most NT's seem to have. I used to freak out a lot more when people unexpectedly touch me than before. I'm still no cuddly duddly.


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16 Oct 2007, 4:43 pm

If they're good friends of mine it doesn't bother me. If it were someone I would be intimate with, it really wouldn't bother me lol. If it's someone I'm not a close friend with, it does bother me somewhat...

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16 Oct 2007, 4:48 pm

I have said No to the question however if i was getting touched by my girlfriend i am sure i would like it.


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16 Oct 2007, 5:01 pm

I have no problems with it.


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16 Oct 2007, 5:16 pm


i do tend to... not jerk... but quickly reposition myself in a defensive manner... it's hard to say... i always considered it as a kind of mixture of "spidey-sense" and martial arts training... cause especially after training in aikido for so many years (well. for me lol) my reflex is to somehow miraculously twist their hand to where i could lock them out or cause them imminent pain! (i never do of course.... another aspect of what i considered a marvelous reflex that people only wished they could have!)

but by all means... I LOVE TOUCH...

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16 Oct 2007, 5:42 pm

With me, it's those surprise huggers/touchers that get me. No problem if I can see them coming. If I can get a few seconds warning I'm all set. It's the ones who come from behind, or the total strangers you'd never expect to come near you but do then I get slightly freaked out.

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16 Oct 2007, 5:45 pm

well it depends, if it is good friends or family i dont mind but if it is just some folks i migth not know so well i dont like it and i paticularly dont like it when folks start toching my hair.

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