My peeves... oh so many.
Tailgaters, but I get my revenge on them... I slow down
It just proves that while they may try to aggrevate me by tailing me, I will piss them off so much more, by slowing down a little. I also do it to make overtaking easier.
Speeders. Don't know about other countries, but in Australia, it's generally accepted that you can do 10 km/h over the limit and it's no problem. I disagree, and obey the limit, maybe do 5 over if I'm in a hurry. I don't have a problem with these minor speeders, but I hate people who speed and weave through traffic. I had a guy in a Subaru WRX weave like there was no tomorrow, on the way in this morning. I swear, he turned so tightly he was almost losing grip in his rear tires.
Weavers... see above
Blind indicators. Just plain rude. Especially when they do it at the last minute and cut you off, because they have another 20 metres to cross two lanes. I always get in the lane I need to be in, about a kilometre before I get there. It gives me plenty of time to find a space to indicate and turn into.
My personal driving style is underconfident. I know I'm inexperienced and so I always double check. I obey speed limits, I don't change lanes, or pull into lanes without reasonable gaps. My only worry is that I do travel a bit close to the car in front. I don't tailgate, but it's a bit closer than the 2 second gap recommended here in Australia.
My type of joke... 'Three guys walk into a bar. One of them is a wee bit stupid, and the whole scene unfolds with a tedious inevitibility.'