Age1600 wrote:
I usually do the same thing always, I have a routine I stick to all the time. Today I did my normal routine alittle bit earlier then usual.... Well anyways I'm at the gym, this creepy guy always stares at me, and today I went alittle earlier to the gym then usual, and I'm just about to leave, and the creepy guy pulls up in his truck and goes "Hey, your early today!" I was like in shock, like wow, he knows the exact time I'm there. It creeped me out, but thats not the first that happened before. Everytime I go buy crickets for my lizards, I get my money in alittle cup thing ahead of time, so its easier to pay and leave without having to chat, well everytime I go now, everybody knows exactly what I want, and when I'm there. One lady already had my crickets in two bags put aside waiting for me, and when she gave them to me, she goes, "Your early today! Again I was just in shock, am I that predictable? Does anybody else seem very predictable?
Yeah, I am also pretty predictable.
I wake up, go to school, study, and then go to sleep.
Pretty much the same thing everyday with Tennis and watching TV/movies thrown in the little amount I have for free time.
Watch out for guys at the gym too, the reason people give you all the "creppy stares" is because you are good looking. It used to happen to me 24/7 back when I was in high school.