what does a IEP, physcoeducational report looks like? see!

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02 Oct 2007, 4:22 pm

heres a copy of my IEP and phsyco educational report from school 15+ yrs ago. , as you can see from the report even with someone who may have had a hard time as a child, still did well in school and graduated from high school with good grades p=. and has advanced skills in some areas, so dont ever give up on your child. if i can do it, you all can do it. anyways thought it may help understand what autism/aspergers, adhd is all about in school. also heres the proof that not all people who may have autism/aspergers or other health issues may not function in society. if i can do it, anyone of you can do it ;0). anyway hope this helps, also this can help get your son of social security disability if it comes down to that. so start a iep, and pyscoeducational report for your child.

health: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhinitis : 50 million people have it is estimated., sensorineural hearing lossSensorineural hearing loss, vision screening is within normal.

motor perceptual:
sensory-motor testing from beery developmental test of visual motor integration (1994) indicates delay in visual-motor development is 6 yrs.10 months.. vmi percentile is 3rd vmi scaled score is 1., have difficulty copying the correct number of dots, forming angles, integrating two designs and spatial awareness. no rotational errors were present, the bender gestalt visual motor test also indicates a delay with a visual motor test at a 7 and a half range.

cognitive: intellectual functioning is within low average range with a difference between verbal abilities and visual spatial abilities ( borderline to deficient)

wisc III 1994.
wechsler intelligence scale
verbal tests
information: 9
similarities: 6
arithmetic: 10
vocabulary: 5
comprehension: 6
digit span: 10

performance tests:
picture completion: 3
coding: 3
picture arrangement: 7
block design: 6
object assembly: 4
symbol search: 4

iq standard score.
verbal 84- percentile 14.
performance: 68-percentile 2
full scale 74: percentile 4.

cognitive: (continued)
verbal comprehension: 81 percentile: 10
percepual organization: 71, percentile: 3
freedom from distractiblity: 101 percentile 53.
processing speed: 67: percentile: 1

relative sub test strengths

average scores are measured in math reasoning, auditory concentration, including short auditory memory. and long term memory for general info.

relative weaknesses

below average scores in short term memory and visual awareness of details. 1st percentile.
visual matching/discrimination and visual perception of concrete forms as in puzzles 2nd percentile. expressive and amazing vocabulary at 5th percentile. visual perception of abstract forms, verbal abstract reasoning analogies and logical verbal reasoning, receptive language at the 9th percentile.
measures significant deficits in visual perceptual organization and visual processing speed indicating difficulties in organizing and remembering visual information.


resuts of achievement measures indicating low average math skills, where reading and language skills are delayed.

has great strengths in applied math/word problems (at grade level) and word indentification/decoding skills beginning 6th grade level. weaknesses include writing samples mid 3rd grade level, reading comprehension 4th grade level, and spelling dictation: mid-5th grade level.

an iep meeting on 5/28/87 indicated participating in sdc program with a LH/Ld handicapping condition.

assessment of communication development by speech therapist earlier this year articulation distortions of r, and ing in isolation and words, displays inconsistant substition of s. he continues to measure severe delay in receptive and expressive semantic skills below 1 1/2 standard deviations. continues to speech and language skills since 10/87, special class program ch/sdl 6/10/86 at age 6-2.

social emotional development is at grade level appropriate. peer group is 2-3 yrs younger this his chronological age, he appears emotionally secure.

psychoeducational assessment- march 14, 2000 (high school level now)

weschler adult intellgence scale-III

verbal IQ 85
performance IQ: 77
fullscale IQ; 79

verbal tests
vocabulary 10
similarities: 8
arithmetic 9
digit span: 8
information: 5
comprehension: 5

performance tests
picture completion 5
digital symbol coding-6
block design 9
matrix reasoning 7
picture arrangement 5
symbol search 6

the test results appear to be valid, rappot was easily established and maintained, his efforts was satisfactory, the standardized test is valid to use with students background.

WISC-R- not sure what the no blanks mean.. maybe someone else knows?
verbal scale
5-86: 8%
5-94: 84
performance iq
1-84: 16 percent
5-94: 68
3-98: 74

his test scores indicate strengths in vocabulary and abstract pattern reproduction. his speed of processing is consistant with his overall ability, and fall in the borderline range.

his perceptual testing indicates delays in both visual and auditory memory skills, he seemed to become overwhelmed with visual memory tasks and has difficulty with frustration tolerance.

description of specific disability
weaknesses in visual and auditory memory
below grade level in all academic areas

the conditions for which the student originally qualified for special education services, have not be remediated to the point where he can adequately function in regular education without special education support.

summary and recommendations
a senior in high school, a good standing, he reports no injurys or illness that may have effected his learning, he passed his vision screening, but has a documented hearing loss in left ear, his current ability testing reveals very consistant scores with his previous ability tests, his scores fall in the borderline to low range, his verbal skills are slightly stronger this his non verbal skills. since he does have a documented hearing loss his verbal skils may not be accurate measure of his ability. his overall scores are not consistant with his success in school setting, he has been very successful in his academic classes!! !


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24 Oct 2007, 7:42 pm

I was never given tests to see if I really had AS, I was jsut diagnosed with it, and I wasn't given any tests at the school either... they just made up an IEP based on my diagnosis (the assessment had some inaccuracies besides), and many of their own generalizations about AS. I am so jealous of you!