HacKING wrote:
If anybody asks me to do anything that may tamper with my pre-envisioned idea of the day I completely reject it. Unfortunately, it often makes me get into conflict with people because they call me very uncompromising. The issue is that every little thing in my life is all part of an intricate machine to keep my life stable and I cannot afford for it to be messed with.
Does anybody else feel this way?
Only on my very worst days, when I've had no sleep, or time to finish thinking, and have not included any cushions. Usually, I will plan on arriving somewhere with enough time to check my mail or read a book, so if I get into bad traffic, or can't find something, I'll probably still be on time. If I've got myself locked into a set finishing time on any fairly new task I can get very upset if there's any changes.
It might be better to think of the "you" machine as a factory, instead of a watch. The watch can't miss a beat. The factory has bins of stuff waiting, and does the batches of processing when it is OK to start.