Ok, one per post please ; a few lines to explain why think person falls at AS end of human spectrum , and what you love about them!!
Me first:
Sherlock Holmes
Where would he be without his NT friend? ( Dr. Watson)
Where would the police be without his great mind capable of making connections at great distances, of meticulously and unrelentingly following the slightest traces of anything!!
Where would he be himself without his studies into 450 types of cigar-ash, and 164 types of soil/earth around London?
And romance? Ah, " the Woman" , for whom he felt the deepest respect and admiration, for her sensibleness and intelligence. Entirely platonic of course.
And LOGIC ? ! ! Well , it wasn't really , I know , but it feels like it , the thrill of working out how, and then why, and everybody else completely at sea!!
The pipe in a slipper, and the poison in a teapot , sort of comfort, and his collections of newspaper cuttings filed alphabetically.
And his obsesssion with Moriarty , the arch-criminal!! THE source of all evil!!
And his excuse for taking cocaine :"I must have work, or my mind is like a finely tuned instrument spinning faster and faster on itself"! !
The most glorious AS character of all!!
Even if Merlin, ( played by Nicol Williamson anyway!!) is pretty close behind!

Last edited by ouinon on 26 Oct 2007, 3:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.