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Favourite AS Hero/heroine ?
Sherlock Holmes 67%  67%  [ 6 ]
Merlin 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Hercule Poirot , perhaps not ! ! 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Inspecteur Clousseau 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Christine Lahti in " Housekeeping" 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Other, please describe in thread!! 33%  33%  [ 3 ]
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26 Oct 2007, 2:47 pm

Ok, one per post please ; a few lines to explain why think person falls at AS end of human spectrum , and what you love about them!!

Me first:

Sherlock Holmes

Where would he be without his NT friend? ( Dr. Watson)
Where would the police be without his great mind capable of making connections at great distances, of meticulously and unrelentingly following the slightest traces of anything!!
Where would he be himself without his studies into 450 types of cigar-ash, and 164 types of soil/earth around London?
And romance? Ah, " the Woman" , for whom he felt the deepest respect and admiration, for her sensibleness and intelligence. Entirely platonic of course.
And LOGIC ? ! ! Well , it wasn't really , I know , but it feels like it , the thrill of working out how, and then why, and everybody else completely at sea!!
The pipe in a slipper, and the poison in a teapot , sort of comfort, and his collections of newspaper cuttings filed alphabetically.
And his obsesssion with Moriarty , the arch-criminal!! THE source of all evil!!
And his excuse for taking cocaine :"I must have work, or my mind is like a finely tuned instrument spinning faster and faster on itself"! !

The most glorious AS character of all!!

Even if Merlin, ( played by Nicol Williamson anyway!!) is pretty close behind! :lol:

8) :D :?:

Last edited by ouinon on 26 Oct 2007, 3:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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26 Oct 2007, 3:01 pm

The Christine Lahti character in that gorgeous film called "Housekeeping" , which was anything but housewifery!!
Sleeping on park benches in the little town, with a newspaper over her head. Carrying fish home in her pocket. Keeping tin cans till become walls in the house . "Borrowing" a boat without permission to take a trip. Travelling by goods train .
Ignoring knee high floods except to put wellies on as wonder round house drinking tea.
Hopeless with people cos so honest , and naive , and angry , and unfettered by convention.
Def a heroine!!

8) :P

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26 Oct 2007, 3:03 pm

Inspector Clousseau.

My favourite funny AS hero!!

I don't need to say why do I ?! !!


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26 Oct 2007, 5:57 pm

The Steppenwolf, from Hermann Hesse's novel of the same name.
The Steppenwolf moves into the narrator's attic apartment, bringing with him practically nothing but books (in fact, the story takes place after he has moved on, and what the narrator knows of him is essentially from manuscripts the Steppenwolf has left behind). "He lived by himself very quietly, and but for the fact that our bedrooms were next door to each other...we should have remained practically unacquainted. For he was not a sociable man. Indeed, he was unsociable to a degree I had never before experienced in anybody." His sense of smell is acute and of utmost importance to him, like the wolf that he feels he is. He is a walker and a pacer. He values precision. He becomes enamored of a separate culture that seems like...I can only think of the scenes in the movie Moulin Rouge, the behind-the-scenes circus part (sorry can't really describe). Perhaps he is not a "hero" in the conventional sense, but he certainly is a memorable character with some AS traits.


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26 Oct 2007, 5:59 pm

You forgot Mr Darcy from 'Pride And Prejudice'.

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26 Oct 2007, 6:05 pm

I vote for Dr. Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds. Don't tell me this guy isn't an aspie. I mean the obsessive exhaustive knowledge of serial killers. There are just too many things that make me say, "yep, that's an aspie". Every time I watch it, I so sympathise with him.

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26 Oct 2007, 8:50 pm

I've been a long, long time Sherlock Holmes fan; a fictional brother after my own heart. When I feel the need to put down a fake address for something, I usually use 221 Baker Street, Apartment B. I had an orange cat named Sherlock once.

I wonder whose more aspie: Darth Vader, or Eric Carman? 8O

Good fortune,

- Icarus has dressed as Holmes for Halloween more than once...

Please forgive me if, in the heat of battle, I sometimes forget which side I'm on.


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27 Oct 2007, 7:58 am

I've always hated fiction.
So my heroes are real people who lived in the past.
People like Napoleon, julius ceasar, erwin rommel, heinz guderian, hannibal, hindenburg.
I can't imagine having a fictional character as a hero.

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27 Oct 2007, 9:38 am

Bart21 wrote:
I can't imagine having a fictional character as a hero.

Well, for me it was the opposite; I didn't seem to know of anyone with( what I didn't know the name for but just identified with) aspie characteristics figuring in the textbooks , encyclopedias etc that I was reading when was 10. Whereas Sherlock Holmes he was there , being superb ! !

Steppenwolf sounds interesting; never read any Hesse , but may give it a go, if I can cope with it in french from the library here! :?
:lol: ! !

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27 Oct 2007, 10:42 am

Hmmm....I forgot about Demian as a possible Aspie.

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27 Oct 2007, 10:48 am

Kateyjane wrote:
Hmmm....I forgot about Demian as a possible Aspie.

What, you mean that creature mascerading as a boy in The Omen ?? Damian? ! !

AAArrrrrggghhh!! A hero? ! ! 8O 8O 8O :P

:lol: Only if the family was very obnoxious ! ! But he fits the "Malice" tag of Digby Tantams article on Malice and Aspergers VERY well ! ! Eek!

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27 Oct 2007, 10:52 am

NO. Although I am forever attracted to that character, too.

I meant Demian from the Hesse novel of the same name. I'm not an idiot, but obviously much more eclectically well read.