Cooper wrote:
BlueMax wrote:
I don't think the two are connected.... it seems like "gay" is the new trendy thing, it seems like everyone's just bursting out of the closet now - and they gain instant acceptance when they do.
Hmmm.... there may be a connection after all. Maybe because we aspies have relationship troubles, it leads to all kinds of confusions with our sexuality.
Bear in mind this in an incomplete thought and one I'll have to muddle over for a while.
I disagree with pretty much everything here. The visibility of gay people hasn't increased because gay is the "new trendy thing", but because society has only recently reached a point where gay people can come out of the closet without fearing losing their families, friends, jobs, and even their lives. People don't become gay as a result of relationship troubles. Sexual orientation is determined before puberty, and probably before birth. Finally, being gay isn't a confusion of sexuality, it is a completely normal variation of human sexuality - just like being autistic/AS is a completely normal variation of neurobiology.
Well, I DID say my theory was nowhere near "well thought out" more like "half-baked".
I think there's more to it than just what you said, too... I've seen people get hurt by one gender so badly they "switched sides" (and even said exactly so!) I'll bet there's as many reasons as there are people. Some people just are... some people choose... I have no real experience to draw on.
Unless it's something to gain acceptance for being "weird", I don't think it has any connection with asperger's.