Here’s my problem:
I need my ADHD medicine to concentrate in school, but it drastically suppresses my hunger. I try to force feed myself during meals, but I start feeling nauseous when I do. My gag reflex acts up when I try to swallow more food than my body wants.
I was taking the medicine during school last year, but I stopped taking it over the summer and my weight went from 97 lb to 148 lb (I’m 5’9”). I started taking the ADHD medicine again when school started up back in September and so far my weight has dropped almost 20 pounds. I’m pretty sure I need food to live, so I don’t know how much longer I can do this for.
I’m sensitive to other ADHD medicines, so I can’t switch. My psychiatrist told me that the diet suppression effect should go away after a few months, but he said that over a year ago. Any advice?
Oh, and the medicine is called vyvance or something, it used to be called adderall