Honestly, given I'm in the process of reading throught the Complete Sherlock Holmes, my gut is that Holmes is more aspie than Watson. Watson's the tagalong dullard NT, and Holmes sees every detail and analyses it logically. He has his obsessions - chemistry, mostly, and encyclopedic knowledge of previous criminal cases are incredible, and quite outside the norm. He doesn't socialise, and he uses drugs to dull the pain of his racing mind when he's not employed. I suspect aspies would have found it easier in Victorian England, at least those of the higher classes, because social mores were based upon a strict code of conduct. Then again, Holmes' ability to see the big picture through the small details would be an argument against aspieness. But Watson? No, I really don't think so.
"You're never more alone than when you're alone in a crowd"
-Captain Sheridan, Babylon 5
Music of the Moment: Radiohead - In Rainbows