when something new is going to occur the next day

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How do you respond?
Feel anxious and stay up late 77%  77%  [ 23 ]
Feel anxious but calm down and sleep 17%  17%  [ 5 ]
Feel nothing and go to sleep 3%  3%  [ 1 ]
Add your own option. Explain in the topic. 3%  3%  [ 1 ]
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27 Oct 2007, 6:57 pm

How do you respond the night before the day something new is going to happen? Example, job interview, gatherings etc..

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27 Oct 2007, 9:01 pm

I am often tempted to think that I am unaspie-like in that I like new things and dislike routines. However, in reality, I do follow routines. I get excited about new things, but it's a nervous kind of excitement.

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27 Oct 2007, 9:11 pm

I've moved around alot in my life. It's almost become apart of a routine. I've never lived in a place longer than 3 years. It's like a pattern. I do however dislike travel. Sometimes it takes months before I feel fully aware that I'm no longer the place I was prior to moving. Then I feel either nothing or get upset. It feels like things take longer to hit me.

When some new event happens, I get anxious and can't sleep or get little sleep.

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27 Oct 2007, 9:57 pm

I rarely, if ever, have problems like these. I tend to be a very spontaneous person at times.


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30 Oct 2007, 9:32 pm

If the new thing is bad, I'll not have anything to do with it. If the new thing is good, I'll stay up all night looking forward to it. :)


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30 Oct 2007, 9:58 pm

I voted for the first one.
New stuff scares me.


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30 Oct 2007, 10:54 pm

I've been really good recently about calming myself down before something big is to happen. Yes, it will take me a few minutes more to sleep, but I wouldn't say I stay up late because of it.

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31 Oct 2007, 4:45 pm

I sort of feel a mixture of excitement and dread, depending on the situation, and as the time gets nearer my stomach really begins acting up. I don't just get butterflies, I get atlas moths.


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31 Oct 2007, 5:18 pm

meltdown from mild to severe depending on situation............have to have at least a weeks notice and reminders every day that its going to happen,before it does,can still have a meltdown as it still feels extremely difficult and painful,but it helps to settle things down better and see it in routine.

happened yesterday,apparently had got a letter asking to go to a medical today for income support,hadn't been asked to go to one for years,and there it was,expecting to go in the next day,as no staff had bothered to remind about it,they also forgot to mention a dentist appointment tomorrow-and that has happened with the last few appointments,actually forgetting they existed at all twice.
the medical was managed to be changed to a further date,but staff said they didn't understand why despite explaining over and over,that really explains the knowledge these doctors have to-of kanners,aspergers,LD etc [absolutely none].
and new dentist appointment is being asked for tomorrow.


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31 Oct 2007, 6:32 pm

I can't sleep when something new is going to occur tthe next day, and sometimes I feel a weird mixture of excitement, fear, anxiety and/or happiness.


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31 Oct 2007, 11:39 pm

I pull an unintentional all-niter. I never was any good at anticipation.

They tell me I think too much. I tell them they don't think enough.