Does laughing at some random weirdness that happens to be going on in my head count as "nothing"? It may seem to be so, to someone who was observing me when I happen to just start laughing. Or are you all talking about something else, literally laughing with no apparent reason attached?
My autistic son laughs at stuff only he can see quite constantly; I would hesitate to ascribe it to "nothing" though, which is why I mention stuff "only he can see". But if you watched him, he would also look to be laughing at nothing; and in his case, I'm really not sure.
What is Santa Claus always going "Ho! Ho! Ho!" about, I wonder? And he's an elf! Which, and also due to my lack of earlobes, leads me to believe I've got some elfin blood running through my veins... Which, in all honesty, would explain an awful lot.
Good fortune,
- Icarus loves a good belly laugh...
Please forgive me if, in the heat of battle, I sometimes forget which side I'm on.