I am... since I'm quite slow a kid called Joshua(who has difficulties like me and uses an alphasmart like me)
called me a pig... and a geek
... because I used an alphasmart when he uses one too... and then I claimes 'you use one too!' and he says 'yeah but not as much as you! He thinks he's taller than me
and because Rikaya(who happens to be the tallest in the class and
just taller than me says he is... and I say that I've always been tallest... even since Year 3... so he says we can settle it with a race... how's that help... he's just using my weaknesses to get what he wants... and as far as I'm concerned he doesn't have any weaknesses
A. He thinks he's taller than me...
B. Because he knows he's faster than me
C. He knows he's stronger than me and is prepared to get into a fight
D. He's older than me
*takes a few seconds to calm down*
Got any advice... My friend was trying to calm me down but he was using the 'loser!' symbol behind him...
I know this is hard to do but faced with someone who won't quit arguing, I just let them keep up their argument but clam up and look knowing, like they're stupid and not worth anymore words. It frustrates the heck out of them and feels good later when you see how well that tactic works.