lelia wrote:
You are being oversensitive here. Gold mine is a cliche phrase used in business to indicate something good. It is used to identify hispanic market niches that are underutilized, places to invest, anything good that is also profitable. And lets face it, if the employee you hire costs you more than you make from his labor, you lose money until you go out of business. I like that the statement says that we can be valuable employees. And we can be, if the office politics can leave us alone. We work efficiently without all that wasted shmoozing time. Or, at least, I do.
Absolutly, where I work I am more productive because I do things both systematicly and without needing to talk every 10 mins, as a result I tend to get special treatment, I get bonuses, better pay and more time off, more flexibility. Ill never understand how people can work and then talk as I would loose track of what im doing (and I need to remember numbers, measurments and where stuff is located, talking hinders this alot) and their is absolute chaos when I see people work around me, their is no systematic way, so their is no way they can be efficent, so I see slow workers who often do their job half assed and screw up. Now I make mistakes also but usually eather catch them or dont make such a catostrophic one that costs us time.
I hate then having to help others, i do my work and tho i get payed better now I am expected to help others finish up cause they were slow and screwed up, i flipped out about it one day and so now I get payed better cause without the better pay and treatment I woulda quit cause of it.
Indeed we are a valuable resource, and can be a worthy investment for employers if given a chance.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.