i have a really hard time with eye-contact.. and sometimes it's a little awkward because i'll look away at something and the person will think i'm not interested in what they're saying, or not listening, and i'm always afraid they'll be offended, but i can't help it. i just can't keep eye-contact. (killer in intro to public speaking class...) also, i get panic attacks when i'm suddenly shoved into a situation.. like this one time, when i was shopping with my sister and her friend, and while my sister was in the bathroom, her friend and i were in the checkout line. then her friend decided suddenly to exchange an item and, telling me to wait by the cart, took off with the item before it could even register that i'd been left alone in the checkout line with no money. when it did register, i began to have a panic attack and when my sister showed up, i was near tears. needless to say, she was a bit unhappy with her friend. lol. a lot of times, when i'm nervous, i bite my nails or chew on my knuckles. when i'm highly stressed, i dig my nails into my arms and make them bleed. i also stutter sometimes, and have a hard time annunciating my words. i'm also terrified of calling people on the phone or talking to people i consider in positions of authority.. even fast food workers.. lol. i have a hard time ordering. the worst part, i think, is that my dad has this "get over it" attitude.. like forcing me into those situations will eventually make me "all better" or something.. i swear, i've had more panic attacks from him trying to "cure" me than from anything else. oie.. i'm starting to get off topic.. hmm.. what else do i do when i'm nervous?? .. i fiddle with my shirt, tie, or hair... i scratch my head a lot. there are probably others, too... but that's all i can think of...