I always knew I was a strange, quirky person, but I never saw any unifying theme to my strangeness.
Then, about two years ago, I happened to be reading a news story online about autism. I followed a link for more information and what I saw there opened my eyes. I started looking at the traits, and to my surprise, my seemingly unrelated quirks could be related after all. Here was something with a name, that other people experienced as well. It wasn't just me. I didn't understand AS very well at the time, so I didn't suspect I had it, but I thought I might be on the spectrum. About a year later, I started looking into it further, and decided AS fits me rather well. The more I learn about it, the more I think I'm an aspie.
I took the aspie quiz and got AS 116/200 and NT 75/200. I figure I am a mild apsie who has figured out workarounds for a lot of issues.
I'd like to list all the traits that I seem to have, but this post could get too long. Here are some obvious ones.
hate small talk
unable to make conversation in large groups
hopeless at parties
having one friend at a time (didn't realize this wasn't normal)
enjoy being alone
talk to myself a lot
failure at sports
limitations with fine motor skills
you should have seen me last week trying to use a hammer and forgetting to hold on to it
interests in all the weird aspie things while no interest in regular, mainstream things
no interest in dressing up, or wearing makeup or jewelry
difficulty with multitasking
don't fit gender stereotypes well at all
easily annoyed/startled/distracted (by loud noises, etc.)
super-acute hearing
touch sensitivity issues
math whiz
good with patterns
good at anything abstract
excellent with spatial/visual reasoning, but totally suck at it if in relation to my own body
Here I have to resist the temptation to explain each of these things in great detail, so as not to give the wrong impression with any of them. You see, I'm used to being misunderstood, so sometimes I try to go out of my way to overexplain things. I'll be happy to expand on any of these if anyone is interested. When I was a kid, I just didn't bother to talk much at all. I've actually made huge improvements in many areas since I was a kid.
I don't feel very well connected to the physical world. It doesn't seem as real to me most of the time. I live inside my "head" and get reports from my senses that are like reading something in the newspaper about an event taking place in another part of the world. Don't know if this is an AS thing, but if not, what could cause this?
There are some traits I do not have.
I don't stim (maybe I should start?)
don't require rigid routines - change is ok, I handle it with lots of planning
can read people's facial expressions - however I tend to rely more on listening to the words they say
I don't think I have enough symptoms to be diagnosed with any other disorder that I've ever heard of, but AS could potentially explain every single issue I've ever had.
So, I've been lurking here for a while, and I like it here!