Those poor shrinks do not express themselves well. How things go together, how the parts interact, such things as machines, computers, or cooking.
It is not enough to know something has a function, I want to take it apart. Before I throw away an ink cartridge I peel off the print head, look at it under my microscope, and see how it is designed, manufactured, and assembled.
Shrinks fit on a spectrum. University Professors, most highly educated people, call an elecrtrician to change a fuse, after running extention cords, hoping it will cure it's self. They called me to fix their computer, and they were the cause of the problem. The truth is not popular, nor does it pay, so I had a regular job.
They have a near total lack of interest or understanding about how the technology they live with works. From twelve I was doing light plumbing, lawn mower repair, bicycles, Thomas Edison, Henery Ford, and the Wright Brothers all had a bike shop to start out.
Our educated class has a disconnect from the mechanical reality. Call it Clogged Sink Symdrome, and write it a script.
I also noticed they could not cook. They still did, and once over for dinner was enough. They seem to lack the ability to learn things that involve parts and processes.
It is like a lot of things, good at English bad at Math, or the other way, whole families that cannot spell,
In this case it is the higher functions of the mind, all smoke and mirrors to me, not a science, and a zero score on spatial relationships, where we hit the top of the charts. So we have a problem, sure Doctor, and how long have you been feeling this way?
Mechanics, plumbers, electricians, computer repair all charge more than they do, and we can get by without their service. They treat us like we are stealing from them, then take out their anger on their patients.
A word of advice, do not take a check from these guys. They are cash on the barrelhead only.