Brownilocks wrote:
Is it like an obsession but it is one that is not as disturbing? What is the difference between stimming and an obsession? There are a series of thoughts I want to get rid of and I am thinking of getting rid of these thoughts and any link to them. It doesn't make sense, but how do I put them out of my mind.
Don't think about elephants!
Don't think about elephants!
Don't think about elephants!
Did you think about elephants? Of course you did!
One trick I've picked up is to concentrate on those awful thoughts as hard as I can, to wallow in them.
You are having these thoughts for a reason, even though it might not seem obvious at first glance.
It's like if you were an accountant who was never taught that the number 2 existed. That one little piece of missing info will have profound effects if you try and balance the books, add, subtract, whatever.
So, what I do is think about elephants.
Are you comfortable saying what these obsessive thoughts are?
A son of fire should be forced to bow to a son of clay?