fangfarrier wrote:
I run to chunky to start with and I then over eat. Not just a little but a lot. ANybody else have this problem and if so how do they combat it.
Was never really chunky, but have at times put on a lot of weight ( been two or even three stone over weight at two particularly bingeing times in life), and find most effective solution is to cut out the foods which I have addictive reactions to . Specifically wheat and all other glutenous grains. ( rye, oats, barley)
The food-opioids in the gluten are opiate similar and not only create addiction, to the euphoria they induce, but also increase appetite , because that is what they do!!
When I cut out gluten, I find that if I do binge it tends to be self-limiting.
I'm finding cutting out dairy makes me even less prone to stuffing my face. (Dairy is the other common source of food-opioids, and so also induces cravings.)
Stick to nuts, and roasted seeds, and fruit, and sticks of carrot with mayo, or tortilla chips (make sure not use flour to flavour) with non-dairy dips, like guacamolo.
Good luck.
A few of us are using a thread on Members Only to keep "conscious" and support each other. "Gluten-free-diet ; Diary and Support Thread"
Last edited by ouinon on 12 Nov 2007, 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.