If someone keeps inviting you out or knocking on your door (dorms can be hell, LOL), how do you tell them to leave you alone without seeming like a jerk?
For a while I shout out that I'm in the shower or something. Or I stay really quiet and pretend I'm not there at all, LOL. But the worst is when I'm face to face with somebody.
Just now, for instance, I was in the kitchen and my very sociable flatmate was being so nice to me by talking to me, and (when I tried to escape to do "homework") saying, "I'll keep my food in the microwave until you get back." (My food was in the oven.) "This way we can eat together!" So I had no choice but to sit and awkwardly converse with her for 30 minutes, which normally would be manageable, but sometimes I just can't be social anymore. I'm sorry!
I've had a really demanding 2 weeks (traveling, going to a concert, both with other people, and then working nonstop on essays and going to classes), and I REALLY need some time to rest my brain, pursue my own interests for a change (I really miss my obsessions, LOL) and STOP SOCIALIZING.
Sorry, can you tell I'm on the verge of a meltdown? LOL. There's probably been a topic about this already, but...
What do you do when you just want to be alone? What do you say?
(Edit: By the way, I just realized that saying traveling and concerts are demanding might sound like I'm complaining about them in a spoiled way, but I don't mean it to sound like that, LOL. I really enjoyed them! I'm just tired afterwards, of course...)