sinsboldly wrote:
Mw99 wrote:
These are some of the things I used to do a lot less effortlessly:
*Process new information
*Retain new information
*Do basic arithmetic (adding/multiplying numbers in my head, etc)
*Do basic logic (if A implies B and B implies C and D, does A imply D?)
I feel I get stupider, not more intelligent, the older I get.
Does anyone feel the same way?
Perhaps it's because when we were younger we had much more optimistic assessments of our actual abilities in the above, and over the years our understanding of how good we
really are becomes more truthfully evident.
Well, when I was real young, a lot of kids were asking me for help in their school work, and I went through everything pretty fast. Even when I didn't know the answer, I seemed to have the uncanny ability to recognize it. I could estimate my grade with pretty good accuracy. The workbook stuff was such that I could have turned it in MONTHS early! People said I was articulate, I used bigger words, I even spelled better. When I was younger I was a perfectionist, knew PRECISELY where I learned something, and wanted to know just about everything about what I knew. It was a lot like the electronics I bought. I looked at the schematics and thought of them as puzzles! WHY did they add this resistor? WHY did they add that capacitor? Where is the tank circuit(for radios)? etc...
So how is it today? Well, the last time I really looked at a schematic for something I bought was in 1981! I am certainly no perfectionist. My spelling is poorer. I dumbed down my speech a bit. I don't know where I learned much of what I know. The last time it seemed like every kid asked me for help was when I was still in grade school. Of course, in my JOB EVERYONE asks me for help, etc... but that was an interest, and my WORST day is still better than most others best days.
As far as intelligence? I was better with some abstract reasoning based on patterns, etc... when I was younger. I DO know more now. Just electronic, slang, improper usage, and computer words are substantial. Don't even get me started on German, Danish, Spanish, French, and Hindi I learned. I know a LOT more about computers, but forgot some things about electronics.
Still, relative to where I feel I should be, and on things that IQ tests check, relative to my age group, I HAVE gotten a bit dumber. My only solace is that a lot of people do FAR WORSE!
BTW I have never been "cocksure". Heck, I have seen computers do odd things with basic math(USUALLY due to the rounding problems of standard binary math, or truncation by incorrectly selected work areas, so I usually understand why.), and similar things. A simple change can cause things to change quite a bit. I always try to qualify things. My speech is usually like the last statement, or even this one. Note how I generally say "try","usually","generally"!
I have rarely been "FULL of doubt". I usually have reason to believe SOMETHING. Those that know me know I HATE words like EXPERT, GURU, etc... HECK, I LIKE IT when they call me a genius, etc... but I often even try to avoid THAT.