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26 Nov 2007, 11:08 pm

My memory is amazing, i can remember stuff when i was like 2, but i just realized that i can even remember places i been to maybe once, and remember where i sat, what i was wearing, who was with me, where everything is in that place, its crazy. Some people tell me thats an autistic trait, but what do you think, how good is your memory?

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26 Nov 2007, 11:09 pm

My memory is great for old sleights, but it's pretty bad for short-term stuff and specifics about my childhood.

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26 Nov 2007, 11:13 pm

Age1600 wrote:
My memory is amazing, i can remember stuff when i was like 2, but i just realized that i can even remember places i been to maybe once, and remember where i sat, what i was wearing, who was with me, where everything is in that place, its crazy. Some people tell me thats an autistic trait, but what do you think, how good is your memory?

Fortunately, I have always had an excellent memory. The only exception is remembering the names of people I meet offline. Online, I have no problem.

Mark A. Foster, Ph.D. (retired tenured sociology professor)
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26 Nov 2007, 11:13 pm

Good long term memory. Horrid short term memory. I was original diagnosed as a young child with LD with one of the criteria's of my memory problems.


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26 Nov 2007, 11:17 pm

My long term memory often astounds people. My short term memory is very selective. Names, dates, phone numbers... DELETED!

What I find frustrating is how bad NT's long term memories are for what I think to be important stuff.


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26 Nov 2007, 11:29 pm

Don't know if it's an Aspie thing, but I have an AMAZING memory. Phone numbers, addresses, emails, websites, chemicals, formulas, command line stuff, configuration data, etc., etc. I can tell - in exact and vivid detail - what happened at such and such a time with such and such a person - where we were, what we talked about, who said what...

Example - tonight, I ran into someone I worked with 20 years ago. I didn't recognize her right away because she had changed her haircolor and hairstyle dramatically. But as soon as she opened her mouth, I said her name and was RIGHT!!

My mother used to accuse me of making things up because I remembered stuff no one else could remember. :roll:


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26 Nov 2007, 11:32 pm

I have a great memory. Both long and short term. My automatic long term memory, that stores memories without my having to try, can be very detailed, but it seems random as to which details it includes. I might remember a conversation I had a year ago, along with where I was sitting, who was in the room, exact words used, day of week, what someone was wearing and other random details, but then again, some of those details can be missing.

My short term is probably way, way above average. I can keep track of a lot of things at once. This helps with my mathematics and problem solviing ability. I do sometimes do the thing where you walk into a room and then forget why you were going there. :)

It is annoying when somebody tells me the same story again and again because they forgot that they told me before. At least if the story is exactly the same, it's more likely to be true. If it changes each time, then I suspect most of it is made up/exaggerated.


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26 Nov 2007, 11:46 pm

My memory goes back farther than what is supposed to be possible. My earliest memory is from before I was a year old. I remember learning to walk and talk. I have lots of detailed memories of my early childhood. My memory is not as good when it comes to more recent parts of my life, but I'm good at remembering numbers.


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26 Nov 2007, 11:57 pm

I can remember basically anything I want to.

I remember events in my life from back when I was 2 years old(I suspect this is normal), but I'm excellent with rote memory. I can memorize 3-4 chapters(or more) worth of equations from a college level engineering-related textbook in a single night if I focus on them hard enough. I may not pick them up first try, but if I see the same thing 2 or 3 times, I know it in its entirity. This is why I love flash cards.

Addresses, license plates, model numbers, serial numbers always stand out to me as well. If I need to remember them and make an effort to remember them, I will.

I can remember phone numbers my parents used to have from when I was 5 years old onward, and phone numbers of people I met as a child and haven't seen in almost a decade.

Remembering names and conversations though, I'm horrible at that. I'll ask people their name 5 times or more without learning it still.

If something is spoken to me, I'm far less likely to remember it than if I've read it from an article or book and actively taken the information in. I often ask people to repeat what they've said because I couldn't make sense of it the first time I've heard it.

Looking at images, I can remember them in pretty good detail and replicate them fairly well with pencil and paper.

My memory appears to be very good in a visual and mathematical sense, but probably not in a verbal sense. How it compares with the general population though, I don't know for sure. I'm confident that my short term memory is in the 90+ percentile compared to the general population if there were a standardized way of measuring it.


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27 Nov 2007, 12:12 am

Age1600 wrote:
My memory is amazing, i can remember stuff when i was like 2, but i just realized that i can even remember places i been to maybe once, and remember where i sat, what i was wearing, who was with me, where everything is in that place, its crazy. Some people tell me thats an autistic trait, but what do you think, how good is your memory?

Yeah, my mem.. what was the question again?

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27 Nov 2007, 12:38 am

Aside from written words, I have a "photographic" memory. I tend to think and remember in sensations rather than facts and words, so any experience that affects my senses is retained indefinitely. It's something of a blessing and a curse. When I get wounded emotionally, the painful experiences in my life come flooding to the surface and I'm forced to relive them again, and I have no way to shut it off.


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27 Nov 2007, 12:43 am

I have a terrible memory, both short and long term. I have almost no memory of my childhood and can even deliberately and permenantly forget things if I want just by 'thinking' over the memory.



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27 Nov 2007, 12:59 am

Donkeynomad wrote:
I have a terrible memory, both short and long term. I have almost no memory of my childhood and can even deliberately and permenantly forget things if I want just by 'thinking' over the memory.


Same here. I use that to get rid of embarrassing memories that keep coming up and...
What were we talking about? :D

To eliminate poverty, you have to eliminate at least three things: time, the bell curve and the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Have fun.


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27 Nov 2007, 1:04 am

I have bad bad bad memory.


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27 Nov 2007, 3:52 am

My long term memory erases itself after about five years (for very good reason). My short term memory is excelent.


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27 Nov 2007, 4:04 am

It's amazing...

I can remember things from many years ago like they happened yesterday, but I can't remember what happened ten minutes ago.

Agender person.
