CentralFLM wrote:
Why am I telling you? Because getting lasik has been such a wonderful experience and thing I could do for myself after feeling I was the ugliest of the ugly for being diagnosed with Asperger's this summer. It was a good thing to do for myself on my birthday.
I'm happy for you, don't get me wrong. When I see such a flowery statement, that seems to be just an ad, I have to speak up. 6 years ago, it seemed like ALL my coworkers were doing it. ONE bragged about how he had like 20/20 vision, and went AGAIN to try to improve it. I went to two successful doctors, who told me the truth. LUCKILY, they HAVE improved things so flinching or astigmatism might not be as much of a problem, but far sightedness certainly is. Frankly, I am surprised autistics can handle this. *I* certainly couldn't. I guess that is a good thing, because the complications can be bad.