My 8 year old AS/PDD son has this problem; i wish i'd known earlier, cos i've had virtual meltdowns in the past at his "sudden stupidity" in face of 3 things to do.
I have problems with it if i can't picture each stage as it's communicated. For instance at campsite was told, once, how to change/empty the toilet tank; several stages, but i was able to picture all of them because we stood in front of the "little door" in the side of caravan while she explained etc. In fact i remembered better than the NT papa of my son.
However if is abstract, non-spatial, time based for instance, or too general/vague, i will quickly get lost unless keep repeating it, or write it down. I can sound both silly and annoying , when i keep recapitulating a list of things to do, but i've realised now why i do it; not to nag or hassle or from bossiness, but because i need to hang onto the steps !
And why i got the impression, from feedback in childhood, that i was unreliable, couldn't be left on my own, etc, and in new jobs why i so often found myself paralysed and mortified with embarrassment at having to go and ask AGAIN what i was supposed to be doing next. Used to find myself immobile in parts of office buildings trying to think it through, knowing that i was supposed to have a whole mornings work laid out and yet simply unable to work out clearly what it was. Especially as very often the tasks were so open ended; i didn't really understand what they included. It was HIDEOUS.

Last edited by ouinon on 26 Nov 2007, 10:19 am, edited 1 time in total.