TheZach wrote:
All this catogerizing and labeling just pisses me off
Hes a person. There Done.
Go ahead and be pissed off, but it doesn't change the world we live in, or the reactions different people get from the social normies.
This fellow is labeled "autistic" by the media and is performing on Special Needs Awareness-Type Day. AS is a radically different type of condition, but too many people simply retort against AS with, "...but YOU don't have autism!"
That's what concerns me... "The Autism Spectrum" how AS falls into it, and the stigma attached to it.
It's the new Leprosy!
You can go ahead and say, "he's just a person like you or me," but sadly, we live on Earth and not Utopia. (This was a hard-learned lesson for me.) We are the outsiders - the aliens. Until Earth becomes a Utopia (HA!) this will not change. We must adapt to live in it - and make some bold moves to carve ourselves a place in the stone wall built to keep us out.
That said - this fella' is almost treated BETTER than aspies, because (my original point) his condition is serious enough to be obvious. Glad the crowd was in a good mood.
Last edited by BlueMax on 28 Nov 2007, 3:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.