SophiasMom wrote:
Thanks everyone. I want to preface this by saying I in no way want to offend anyone. I'm new to all this & ignorant.
Sophia is for sure on the "spectrum". She flaps, echos, stims, cry's at opera & happy birthday, lines up her toys. Where I live children with an autism/aspergers diagnosis are given 20 hours of free therapy a week, Sophie's will be starting in the new year.
I want to belive the aspergers dx because it is a pretty hopeful diagnosis I think. Feel free to tell me if I'm wrong.
The child psychologist wants to re test her IQ because she was havin areally off day & scored poorly. Sophia was only diagnosed last week & we are waiting to see a pedi specalist. She is really quite expressive, has a good vocabulary is starting to write words on the fridge with magnets. She is obsessed with letters & numbers.
I think maybe the psychologist is being a bit smug labelling her aspergers so early .
I feel guilty about not catching it sooner. My husband mentioned it 6 months ago but I just did not see it at the time.
WOW, she didn't even get a good IQ score, and the psychiatrist was so ready to label her AS!?!?
You aren't offending anyone. She sounds like a nice kid, sounds like she could be smart, and she COULD be AS. I just think she is way too young to be diagnosed AS. BTW There is a BIG difference between even 29 and 36 months. She is at the age where a WEEK might make a difference. BESIDES, don't be so quick to label her.
Expose her to lots of good information, encourage her exploration and worthwhile talents. Be understanding, and encouraging. If she is AS, things could TAKE OFF! If she is HFA things could take off! If she is normal(I agree that she sounds autistic), it could only help. There really isn't too much else you could do. A diagnosis is nice, but won't change much.