ToadOfSteel wrote:
For example: I have apiphobia, or fear of bees... which has led me towards doing activities that are either indoors, night activities, or things that take place in winter... Anytime I have to be outside during the daytime in warm weather, I walk briskly to wherever my destination is... Also, my fear of bees has also led me to a general fear of flowers (since flowers attract bees)...
I have something similar: spheksophobia - fear of wasps. Bees and wasps are different insects. Bees are those plump, fuzzy ones, and some of them make honey. While I make sure to stay away from them, I don't have a fear of bees. Wasps are the smooth, slender ones, with yellowjackets being the best known species. Now whenever I see a wasp, I feel like running away fast as the wind. As a result, I flat-out refuse to attend picnics. When I absolutely have to, I douse myself with a thick layer of insect repellent, and make sure to have a can of Raid near me at all times.
When confronted about it, I say to people that I'm allergic to wasp stings. Also, when confronted by the same people why I'm more-or-less OK around bees, I explain that bees and wasps have different chemicals in their stingers (it's true), and I'm only allergic to the wasp one. I don't have a fear of flowers, since they tend to attract bees (plumb and fuzzy), rather than wasps (slender and smooth).