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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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09 Aug 2004, 10:36 am

Is anyone here a wonderful reader, but has a hard time reading aloud? I have this problem. I always HATED reading aloud in school (I was so much slower at reading aloud than reading silently), and my teachers seemed to know this and didn't call on me to read often. I don't read aloud any more, but sometimes I might once in awhile when I'm in the car with my mother and I'm reading something (yes, I can read in a car), and I come across something I think she might find interesting.

I can read virtually under any condition. If there was a war going on, with bombing outside, I'd probably be in an air-raid shelter reading a book, totally oblivious to my surroundings. I have also been known to read a book while in a ballroom. (My friends at the ballroom think this is so strange.)


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09 Aug 2004, 10:48 am

I also do not like reading aloud. My problem is that I read quite fast, and my mouth just can't match this speed. Furthermore, I often read in a fast mode where I move my eyes with constant speed over the text, and get as many words as I can, without stopping at each of them. I frequently miss some words, but this is not causing me to lose the meaning of the text. But when I am supposed to say aloud what I read, I constantly find myself returning to previously "scanned" words, because I am not sure if I got them correctly. This breaks the whole process and results in interrupted speech.


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09 Aug 2004, 10:57 am

I hate reading aloud, too, because I just like reading to myself!

:!: Mich :?:


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09 Aug 2004, 12:10 pm

Yes. I'm not a fast reader silently, either, but reading aloud is horrid for me. I can't read aloud and absorb the meaning at all, I'm either in speaking mode or listening mode, not both. It's hard enough to have to process the words on the page into dialogue, and remember where to stop and breath. I hate speaking in front of class, so I always end up reading very fast and very quietly. I'll stumble over words I clearly know, and stutter, or miss which line I'm on. I just can't concentrate on more than one task at a time. My mind will also get "stuck" if I even attempt to think about what I'm reading aloud, and I become somewhat disoriented by this.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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09 Aug 2004, 12:37 pm

magic wrote:
My problem is that I read quite fast, and my mouth just can't match this speed.

I have the same problem and it can be very frustrating. Another problem for me is that I can recognize and know the meaning of some words but have no idea how to pronounce them. In school they had me in the slowest reading group even though my reading was at least four grades ahead of the "fast" group :roll:

Blue Jay
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09 Aug 2004, 3:45 pm

magic wrote:
I also do not like reading aloud. My problem is that I read quite fast, and my mouth just can't match this speed. Furthermore, I often read in a fast mode where I move my eyes with constant speed over the text, and get as many words as I can, without stopping at each of them. I frequently miss some words, but this is not causing me to lose the meaning of the text. But when I am supposed to say aloud what I read, I constantly find myself returning to previously "scanned" words, because I am not sure if I got them correctly. This breaks the whole process and results in interrupted speech.

exactly the same problem with me.


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10 Aug 2004, 9:09 am

When I read silently, I read quite fast. I remember that when I was younger, some people thought I was not really reading.

I do not like reading aloud when it is "reading for reading". I find it too slow and sometimes, I get confused. But sometimes I read an article to my father when I think it may interest him, for instance.


Nicolas (spark).


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11 Aug 2004, 7:29 am

Like many others I have a difficulty reading alound cause I read to fast. Its ok to read factual things alound, its just a bit difficult but reading novells or children stories out lound is horrid, cause I feel so stiff. I don't alter my voice in any ways. Sometimes I yell, cause that's the only way I know to alter my voice whilest reading stories