Isaura wrote:
JW, where do you live? have you been to Israel? Jewish people are SO different, they are not all the same..but, again, you dont have to be one if you dont like it, you can be different.
My husband is jewish and I have a lot of jewish friends--they are all different, i dont think generalization works.
I live in the United States. And 90% of Jews are the same. As I mentioned, I can tell who is Jewish. Since I am Jewish and grew up around them, I know them well. Being Jewish, I had the same traits.
gwenevyn wrote:
Honestly, I've never in my life heard anybody speak so negatively about Jewish people as you have. The ones I've known have been incredibly kind to me in spite of my shyness.
Jewish people are nice. I will give them that.
I don't dislike Jewish people. It is just they are different. I am already different having AS and I do have some ethnicity in me. I don't need another reason to be different.
Isaura wrote:
Stephen Spielberg, Adam Sandler, Goldie Hawn, Jerry Seinfield, Bill Gates (pretty sure he is jewish) Sergey Brin (founder of Google) majority of Nobel Prize winners, Alan Greenspan, Enstein.....they are all Jewish-genius, brilliant, very successful....Jewish people have a lot to be proud of---lots of genius musicians, writers, actors, the best doctors and scientists......
What does that have to with personality and religious beliefs? That is the focus.
Last edited by JWRed on 02 Dec 2007, 2:38 am, edited 1 time in total.