It is beleived that individuals with ASD's have some suttle facial characteristics that supposedly in the future a computer may be able to determine an ASD'er just by looking at the face of an individual, its an interesting theory. On a parents site I frequent, many claim their kids look angelic, innocent, something about the eyes, or a big head... IDk... whatever, I guess future studies will determine this for certain.
Anyways, back to the topic. Indeed in photo's I look just like any other child.
Their is a video taken on july 4 of 1987, I was 4 years old. This video could possibly be used someday to teach people what to look for in their children to determine if they have HFA or aspringers.
In it (an hour long) I spent the entire time with the parents, never did I interact with the kids. I would wander off alone in the courner of the yard, then come back to the parents. I asked one person if I could play with the microphone on the camera, not the camera itself, but the microphone ONLY. I also wanted someones beer, not cause of the can, but cause of the cozy inside. I was very loud, rather hyper but also sounded very intelligent and even amazed some neghboors about how a 4 year old could have such a vocab.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.