I say - before you post, make sure you're sure about what you post. That said -
"Methods of injury
A common form of self-injury involves making cuts in the skin of the arms, legs, abdomen, inner thighs, etc. This is colloquially referred to as "cutting"; a person who routinely does this may be colloquially called a "cutter".[8] The number of self-injury methods are only limited to an individual's creativity. The bodily locations of self-injury are often areas that are easily hidden and concealed from the detection of others.[9]
Examples of self-injury other than cutting include:
Punching, hitting and scratching
Choking, constricting of the airway
Self-biting of hands, limbs, tongue, lips, or arms
Picking at or re-opening wounds (dermatillomania), ulceration, or sutures
Hair-pulling (trichotillomania)
Burning, including cigarette burns, and self-incendiarism (as well as eraser burns, chemical burns [example; salt and ice burns])
Stabbing self with wire, pins, needles, nails, staples, pens, or hair accessories
Pinching or clamping, as with clothes pins, paper clips, etc.
Ingesting corrosive chemicals, batteries, or pins[10]
Self-poisoning; for example by over-dosing on medication and/or alcohol, without suicidal intent[4]
Self-injury among individuals with developmental disabilites often involves relatively simple actions, such as banging one's head against a hard surface, punching hard surfaces, biting oneself (usually hands or arms), or picking wounds. It may also include pica, the swallowing of nonfood items, which can be extremely dangerous and sometimes fatal.
The whole low-down on SELF INJURY -with psychiatric resources galore - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-harm
beau99 wrote:
jjstar wrote:
Um. Sounds like you're basically piercing your flesh in some kind of ritualistic self-harm mode dude. Stim shmim. You're cutting.
Scratching to the point where blood vessels show and cutting are two different things.
Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams. ~Mary Ellen Kelly