Mw99 wrote:
I think a lot of us can be like that sometimes . We whine and whine about our problems but rarely do anything to solve them. Let me take myself, for example. I regularly whine about my lack of social skills, my communication problems, my pitiful physical appearance and my job, but I rarely do anything to try to solve those problems. In all this time, I haven't made an effort to make new friends or push myself into social situations, I am as quiet as always, I don't want to break a sweat and I never feel like going through the trouble of searching for a new job.
I whine, whine and that's pretty much how I occupy myself during my free time. I know I should make an effort to stop whining, but I don't feel like doing that because for some reason I'd rather keep whining even though I know I shouldn't. I imagine my constant whining is just a manifestation of some type of conceited martyrdom I've grown accustomed to.
Does anyone identify?
You "whine" about pretty much everything.
Nothing with ever be good enough for you if you have already pre-calculated the mindset that "I am a failure because I make less money that some of my friends."
Okay; so you did pretty good in College but you came out short because you don't get along with other people very well.
Lots of other people have had the same problem. But they have dealt with it.
Maybe it is best to take a step back and stop always think about yourself and really ask yourself why you see some of your "Charming NT" friends as more successful than you.
Is your paycheck really all that matters MW99?