Asperger's and pharmaceutical tolerance

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08 Dec 2007, 7:39 pm

Could AS alter my brain chemistry enough to give me anormal reaction to many pharmaceuticals?

The word analgesia remains undefined in mmy personal experience.. Pain killers never seem to have the slightest effect.
(however its easy to determine that aspirin is a fabulous antipyretic, and paracetamol, if taken early enough, will prevent the headache/nausea phase of a migraine)

bi,tri and tetracyclic antidepressants appear to have little effect other than the first dose side effects.
SSRI's fill my head with cotton wool and make me suicidal

and then we get to the recreational pharmacopeia.

i seem to need twice the dose of amphetamines and CNS stimulants compared to anyone else to get a minimal effect.
LSD, mescaline and other hallucinogens likewise... i have yet to experience an hallucination other than rainbow fringes and spatial distortion.

depressants seem more effective, but i hardly need the effects of diazepoids, barbiturates or opiates.

does anyone else have similar reactions?


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08 Dec 2007, 8:07 pm

Well, when I get terrible headaches from sensory overload, there is no over-the-counter painkiller that will even make a dent in the pain.

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08 Dec 2007, 8:43 pm

I tend to get a highly exaggerated (according to the docs) reaction to most meds. For instance, with Cyclobenzaprine, which I take for fibro-myalgic pain and the subsequent disruption of restorative sleep, I find that I must break a 10 mg tablet into 4 parts, and take one segment in order to achieve a full twelve hours of sleep. If I take a whole tablet, I will sleep nearly fifteen hours and be very groggy for a long time afterwards! I have had toxic reactions to Zoloft, and Ambien, amongst others.

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08 Dec 2007, 8:52 pm

As a kid and teenager, pain medications did not seem to work on me at all. Then I started eating right and drinking enough water and now they tend to work pretty good.

Sometimes, the symptoms we feel are not due to Asperger's or autism but something else.

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08 Dec 2007, 8:55 pm

Yes, I don't usually react normally to perscription drugs. That's why I don't take any! They either have practically no effect (even with a high dose) or too strong of an effect (on the lowest dose).

I would stop taking something as soon as the side effects became uncomfortable because I've seen people take meds for their side effects, then take more meds for those meds' side effects and just turn into a mess of side effects. It's scary.


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08 Dec 2007, 9:21 pm

I'm allergic to the majority of antibiotics I've been given, and I have to keep a short list of those which I am not allergic to. I've never taken a narcotic pain reliever except for some Demerol they gave me via IV in the ER for a kidney stone - and that stuff worked almost immediately and quite well too.

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09 Dec 2007, 12:17 am

I have a huge drug tolerance. Pain pills and such hardly work on me, and sleeping pills only work if I haven't taken any in quite awhile. Recreationally, the first (and only) times I've done acid and ecstasy, I've needed to take double what my friends took to get equal, or nearly equal, effects.

Siuan- I've had kidney stones as well. Awful, aren't they? They had to give my morphine and Toritol in the ER.


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09 Dec 2007, 3:59 pm

antipyretic? see, to me that sounds like a drug that keeps you from catching fire...;)

Whenever the label says 'may cause drowsiness'...that's me.

don't take too many drugs, for anything, so I don't know...

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09 Dec 2007, 4:12 pm

1 teasp. of childrens benadryl will knock me out in less than 3 minutes.

Alcohol seems to make me hyper.

I can take 2 puffs off some weed and be high for about an hour and 10 minutes usually. That, and I get paranoid off it. Like I sit and watch a clock waiting for it to be over. On digital clocks, the little ":" in the middle that flashes takes what seems like 5 minutes between it being "on".

My antidepressants make me feel like I want to vomit. Not the actual medication, but I'm thinking of taking it right now and I feel like chucking. Ummm...but yea, they don't seem to need any time to "build up" in my system to start working.

I can get high off a normal dose of any kind of cold medication. I avoid the ones with amphetamines in them for that reason. (i can still get high off taking the "good" kind though).

I'v had demerol before and I liked it.

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09 Dec 2007, 4:17 pm

I don't really take drugs for anything, so don't really know.

The contraceptive pill nearly made me kill myself though, I've never been so depressed. My body is still recovering 4 months after I stopped taking it.


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09 Dec 2007, 4:18 pm

Painkillers don't seem to help me - at least, not real noticeably. Sleeping pills also only work for me if I don't usually take them. The other night I took 3 benadryl (only 2 recommended) and a melatonin, plus I only weigh 100 lbs, and I still didn't fall sleep for like 4 hours. I mean, honestly lol.


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09 Dec 2007, 6:58 pm

I too have a high tolerance for various things. Pot - One night about 9 years ago me and a buddy split an 8th in his pipe, he was flying, I felt almost nothing. Analgesics, The only thing I take right now is NSAID's. I was taking acetaminophen for my overload induced migraines for awhile, but in the end I quite becasue I was taking doses that I felt were getting unsafe for my liver. Alcohol and other drugs - I won't touch them becasue I'm afraid I'll kill myself if I try to "experience" them.

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09 Dec 2007, 7:40 pm

yep, i was on a anti depressant and i felt like i was in a funny house. anti psycotic medications made me feel like a bag of wet sand

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10 Dec 2007, 6:38 am

Carbonhalo wrote:
i seem to need twice the dose of amphetamines and CNS stimulants compared to anyone else to get a minimal effect.

I react the same way most people do to amphetamines at the same doseages, the only difference is that I get less hyper than most people. I even got a compliment for this by a girl who thought I was way experienced even tho I've only done it 5 times in my life.

LSD, mescaline and other hallucinogens likewise... i have yet to experience an hallucination other than rainbow fringes and spatial distortion.
I take the same doses that most people do, but I had trouble with accieving what I'd call more psycedelic effects in the beginning no matter the dose, this however got better and better over time. LSD and the likes have accually helped me some with my social problems and given me inner peace. Hallucinations happens very rarely for me, but I do know that I'm not alone in experiencing this even if it is rare, this has also gotten better over time.

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10 Dec 2007, 6:49 am

hartzofspace wrote:
I tend to get a highly exaggerated (according to the docs) reaction to most meds. For instance, .... which I take for fibro-myalgic pain.

You have fibromyalgia too?

Apparently it is another sensitivity - muscle sensitivity.

I have weird reactions to drugs. Aspro clear is the only thing that works for migraine. Sleeping meds make me hyper but I get a really good sleep with coke (coca cola) and ritalin.... go figure.....


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11 Dec 2007, 11:53 pm

Nice to meet you everyone.

An interesting array of responses so far.

I omitted the two recreational drugs that actually work on me.
Cocaine does little when inhaled or ingested, but intravenously it is so wonderful it scared the crap out of me.
Rocket straight past normality to godhood, but only for a short time. Luckily its almost impossible to find here.
That experience has made me decide never to try PCP.

The other is cannabis, which i have adopted as my habitual poison for a number of reasons.
when stoned...
A/. I don't care if i'm different
B/. I find it easy to be around and interact with stoned people.
C/. It unlocks my focus from a single target... no more echo traps or semantic cavitation

of course, there are myriad down sides too.

KIDS... SAY NO TO DRUGS...they're too expensive