Will u guys stop been so negative about social communication.... RESEARCH into Introverts...... then decide your communicating with each other....
There are reasons why introverts sometimes feel so alien as if our spacecraft landed on the wrong planet & are so often misunderstood. Introverts reveal less of themselves & their actions; they can appear aloof & mysterious. And as we’ve seen, many societies extol the virtues of extraversion, & many extraverts cast a dubious eye on the gifts introverts bring to the world. Sadly, often we don’t even comprehend our own contributions.
Let’s look at some of the qualities of introverts that might contribute to extroverts suspicions. As you look over this list, remember that introverts can be even more confusing; as their energy ebbs & flows, they may not appear consistent. One day their batteries may be well charged & they’re chatty & outgoing. Another day they are dragging their wagon & can barely talk at all. This can confuse & confound the people who know them.
Introverts are more likely to:
Keep energy inside, making it difficult for others to know them.
Be absorbed in thought.
Hesitate before speaking.
Avoid crowds & seek quiet.
Lose sight of what others are doing.
Proceed cautiously in meeting people & participate only in selected activities.
Not offer ideas freely; may need to be asked their opinion.
Get agitated without enough time alone or undisturbed.
Reflect & act in a careful way.
Not show much facial expression or reaction.
I would love to stick the hole " The Introvert Advantage: How to thrive in an Extroverted World "
Heres a link to part of the book http://www.mediafire.com/?fznitxxkxmx
Introversion: This is a healthy capacity to tune into your inner world. It is a constructive & creative quality that is found in many independent thinkers whose contributions have enriched the world. Introverts have social skills, they like people, & they enjoy some types of socializing. However, party chitchat depletes their energy while giving them little in return. Introverts enjoy one – on – one conversations, but group activities can be over stimulating & drain energy.
Highly sensitive: These are people who are born with a certain cluster of traits that is often described as a sixth sense. They are extremely perceptive, intuitive, & observant, with finer discrimination than most of us. They may stay away from social engagements because they dread the agonizing flooding of their senses.
Introversion 101 click me lil more info...
Last edited by logitechdog on 14 Dec 2007, 1:55 am, edited 3 times in total.