Anger and enjoyement
My son submitted a confusion of therapies . He has Asperger disorder with a very good speech, high level imagination, exceptionaly memory, exceptional sight and observing.
The problems began with the school with the following features: repetive and stereotyped activities and problems to basic arithmetical skill (multiplication ,division etc). Pedolophysiatres and phychologues in our town haven't experience about Asperger's disorder.So that they proposed a medification with Risperidone/SSRIs. This medification havent been shown to reduce stereotypical behaviour to my son .This medification was experimental with very adverse effects.
My son enjoyment character he were surly and agressive with relapses, we make all the biological examinations and they dint found biological impairment.
Can you help me for the mesures find his previous enjoyment character?Or how his anger not turn to agression?
The age of my son is 16 1/2 years old now.
What country are you in?
You should probably just work with your son. As for math, try something like vedic math: ... torial.asp
He may take to it quickly, and find that he gets a bit ahead of everyone else. MAYBE he'll end up liking it, and making it a STRONG subject. Just what they offer for FREE could be a big help. He could try to only learn a third as much, and apply it to 3 times as many cases, and do it MENTALLY.
Indeed, at that age it sounds like your son and I have some similarities. Indeed my speech is pretty good, my imagination halfway decent, my long term memory super good, very detailed and I feel my observational skills are good.
I know in school math was my worst subject, seems kinda weird cause prior to high school I excelled in school and math was cake. The problem for me was that The class in high school was big and the teachers were not always good. I prefer to learn stuff on my own by reading the book and doing the examples as opposed to just sitting in a room full of noisy kids and listening to someone talk, do a few problems and then suddenly move onto the next lesson, it went to fast, I had a hard time learning in the environment and I think for us learning can be a challenge cause we are more hands on.
I think the best thing to do is to ask what your son has trouble with, why he cant do the work as well as his peers, maby you will discover that his problems were similar to mine. He may be a hands on learner who needs to read and teach himself, maby do so in a quiet room a study hall with no distraction.
I never was medicated, so I am not sure what to say. And I had a hard time understanding what you meant when you said enjoyment character. Do you mean he has changed and does not seem as happy. Well, school is full of pressure, high school is a challenge, especally for us. He is growing up, feels he needs to keep pace in math with his classmates and medication can screw people up. You have to weigh the good and bad.
Indeed, another similarity for most of my life is that my anger can turn to aggression, especally if I am being teased and bullied. Sometimes it can be a good thing, but usually not. I cant help with that cause I usually went about it the wrong way, and in adult hood still have anger problems, tho I dont get aggressive cause I dont really get messed with as much since everyone I am around are adults and dont tease like that anymore.
I dont think medication is good for aggression, the individual needs to learn how to deal, unless its outa control, but if its just normal, teenage anger brought on by bullies and individuals screweing with your son, it can be a positive thing, particularly cause it seems bullies pick on the weak, and schools have a hard time realistically dealing with the problem, so sometimes, and I hate to say it, but sometimes its up to the teased individual to take matters into his own hands, I found that if I got into a fight with a bully, tho I got into trouble afterwards, they did not mess with me anymore. I cant say thats wrong or right, just what I did, but I sure hope your son does better in math, these are tough times, and I know he will pull through and be stronger as a result.
Welcome to WP, maby try and ecourage him to come on and talk to us, he can make friends, get advice, help younger kids even, this is one of the best places I have ever been, and being diagnosed with autism, I never have met others I can talk to about stuff, those just like me, maby he will feel the same way and his life will have another positive in it.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.