I always "know" (intellectually, that is) how to sit "correctly", but I rarely do. It simply doesn't feel natural to me. I much prefer to sit in poses many others would find strange. When I'm sitting in public I at the very least cross my legs (usually they also keep moving) and slouch a bit, and when I'm at home or some other semi-private place I like to sit cross-legged, on my knees, in fetal position, indian-style or various combinations thereof (involving both hands and feet). At least I stay limber just by sitting down...
This has been the case as long as I remember, and even years before we ever even heard of AS my family took notice of my strange positions.
I'd have no "normal" use for a recliner with a footrest, at least the footrest would be totally superfluous, as I'd never use it. Imagine trying to shop for a comfortable chair, when I'm guaranteed to attract attention testing the chair, as there's no point testing it the conventional way. I'd have to take off my shoes and curl into the chair, and I get the feeling the salespeople wouldn't necessarily like that.
marshall wrote:
I can’t get comfortable enough to concentrate while sitting “normally”.
Amen to that.
lastcrazyhorn wrote:
Unless I'm in a formal situation, this is the way I sit: left foot/leg under me, right leg and foot horizontal across my lap. Keeps me still.
One of my favourites, that one.